The Cleansing Tide

Blogophilia 7.4 Topic: “A Blanketing of Whispers”

Bonus Points:

(Hard, 2pts): incorporate a Chinese proverb
(Easy, 1pt): mention the words “impossible to miss”

Final date to post: April 19th, 2011 GMT midnight
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: April 16th, 2011 GMT midnight



The Cleansing Tide

Evergreen branches shimmy and sway
as the wintry breeze blows…
A blanketing of whispers
beneath the hush of snow.

Fingers of sunshine caress the earth
as the robin takes wing…
A drop of water shall be returned
with a burst of spring.

Shooting stars blaze rocket red
against velvet indigo night sky…
In a cradle of verdant meadows,
crickets sing their lullaby.

Emotions tumble to the ground
in a bed of crimson and gold…
Harvest moon rises on the horizon,
a sight to behold.

Subtle changes in the seasons
are impossible to miss…
Like the heated crescendo
of a passionate kiss.

Apprehensions and misgivings
stir the turmoil inside…
Love heals the wounded heart,
a gentle, cleansing tide.

Colleen M. Breuning © 2011
April 14, 2011

Inspired by the Chinese Proverb:

A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.