Mourning Has Broken

Mourning Has Broken

She clasps secret old love letters
in her weathered, frail hands
raises them to face, inhaling deep
the faint scent of old spice and must.

She wades amidst turbulent waters
the sound of waves crashing
the music of the years gone by
tumbling through her mind.

Time and fate take their toll,
and the mourning has broken.
Too many memories left unmade,
too many words left unspoken.

She cries out to the raging sea
fervent pleas silenced in the wind
with only sea turtles and blue herons
witnesses to her pain and anguish.

She turns her eyes toward the sky
hands open, letters fall into the sea
clouds burst, releasing pent up tears
but someday the sun will shine.

Time and fate take their toll,
and the mourning has broken.
Too many memories left unmade,
too many words left unspoken.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2019
April 5, 2019

I wasn’t sure what to write this week, so I decided to channel the image of someone who has lost a great love from times past. I love the idea of collecting secret old letters from your loved one! It’s really a shame that in this modern day nobody probably even bothers to write a love letter since it’s all about texts, face timing and social media. *sigh*

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 4.12 Topic – Secret Old Letters

Hard Bonus (2 points): Include a lyric by The Ink Spots (“The music of the years gone by” and “but someday the sun will shine.”)
Easy Bonus (1 point): Incorporate “turtles” in your narrative


1. Tangled Up in Blue
2. Love is Blue
3. Shades of Blue
4. Secret Lovers
5. Chagall
6. Blue Lovers
7. Sealed with a kiss
8. Embrace
9. Blue is the color of my soul
10. Watercolor

Topic: Christine Picture: Barbara