Solstice Solitude

Solstice Solitude

falls on
quilts of pale white
blanketing the ground
beyond the dark forest
cardinals quiver and shiver
in endless quest for winter warmth
yesterday’s songs drift into gray skies
absorbed by heavy alabaster clouds
time to slow down, release the weights that bind
and embrace the solstice solitude
when the snowflakes will not relent
we settle into the hush
lit by radiant fires
hearts and spirits full
inhaling peace
as we slip

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
December 8, 2023

Happy Saturday! Only 16 days left until Christmas, and so much left to do. I’m sure many of you are in the same boat. The house is decorated, but quite scaled back compared to my usual full-tilt Christmas transformation. I’ve got a lot of gifts purchased, mostly online, but haven’t wrapped a thing lol. I’m waiting on my Shutterfly Christmas cards, which should arrive on Tuesday. But I’m not stressing, because it will all get done.

This poem was inspired by the coming of winter and the music of Vivaldi. I try to embrace the beauty of each season, and winter is a time of going into my “cocoon” and enjoying the comforts of home more than usual. There’s the busyness and anticipation of Christmas, and the peaceful hush afterwards. It will be even busier this year since we are traveling to Florida for Christmas. Don’t hate me, but this winter I am hoping for more snow, as we need precipitation to make up for the severe summer drought.  I also enjoy the ambiance and beauty of a fresh snowfall — the shoveling and ice, not so much.

As we approach the Winter Solstice, the days have gotten increasingly shorter. The sunset is 4:48 PM this week, and that is the one thing I don’t like about winter. It is dark when I leave work at 5 pm from Winchester and when I work until 6, it’s pitch black outside.  I’m lucky to be able to work from home 3 out of 5 days per week, and I can increase my virtual work if there is inclement weather or as my schedule requires. Another negative is that getting out for a run during the week is literally impossible this time of year. I’m planning to squeeze in a run today, but I must be mindful to hit the trail by 3:30 pm so I’m not running in the dark. I try to log 6 laps around the lake, which is just under 6 miles. But lately I’ve had to cut it short because of the early sunset.

Now that I’ve got my minor complaints out of the way, I plan to embrace the beauty of winter and remember the reason for the season. Here’s hoping that you also breathe deep and slow down in the busy pre-holiday madness! Love to all! ❤


Mood: Peaceful
Inspiration: “Winter (L’Inverno)” by Antonio Vivaldi

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 23.15 – Hurry Up, But Slow Down!
Hard Bonus: Use 3 words starting with the letter Q (quilts, quiver, quest)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate a song title by Neil Diamond (Yesterday’s Songs)


  1. Ah, winter in your world sounds so beautiful! Unlike the cruel Martian winters where the temperature is -195 degrees and only a few sparse icecaps on red rocks to show for it, haha! Wonderfully done – KUDOS, Earthling! ❤

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