Passion of the Soul

Passion of the Soul

Deep within my soul
there is a passion burning
hotter than black coal.

Time to seize the wine
hearts entwined, fervent yearning
carpe vinum time

Pink twilight begins
stars glow in velvet dusk skies
nights in white satin

Summer song of June
love blooms right before my eyes
beneath amber moon

Swooning, unsteady
scent of lilacs fills the air
setting my mind free

Plunge into the fray
heed the voice with no despair
stronger by the day

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
May 24, 2024

Happy Saturday! I have returned from our trip to Florida to babysit the nuggets while Katie and Brenton were in Europe. It was a whirlwind, busy time – but so much fun! We made so many wonderful memories with the little ones, and I’m so grateful for this time. 😀 As you know, toddlers are very high energy and by the end of each day we were absolutely whooped! I am still trying to get caught up on work things and laundry.

I wrote this poem on the plane on our return flight. Just a haiku series mood piece, reflecting the love, hope, comfort and strength of relationships. There’s nothing better than having a caring, loving partner to do life with. I’m so grateful for Dan, and our love just keeps getting stronger all the time. For me, it’s been such a joy to see him as Gramps to our little nuggets. He is so good with them, and knows how to make them giggle.  I have a lot of sweet videos and pictures of the three of them.

I hope you all have a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. Take some time on Monday to remember those who gave their lives to our great country. Love you all! ❤


Mood: Love
Inspiration: “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green – this is our song!!

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 47.15 – Passion of the Soul
Hard Bonus: Include a Latin phrase or saying (“Carpe vinum” meaning “seize the wine”)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate a song title by The Moody Blues (“Nights in White Satin” and “The Voice”)


  1. Aha! Lovely haiku series to pay tribute to your enduring relationship with your husband! Liking the rhyme scheme as well. KUDOS Dear Earthling! ❤

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