Beneath the Moonlight

Beneath the Moonlight

On the clouds of sound
I drift into the night
the sun takes its bow
and fades into twilight

Can I whisper to the wind
reveal my deepest secrets
and dance beneath the moonlight
with you, my love…

The lake is thrumming
a bangarang of song
the crickets and the frogs
they frolic all night long

Can I catch a shooting star
the fiery glow between us
and kiss beneath the moonlight
with you, my love…

Night unfolds its glory
connections running deep
we count the distant stars
and tumble into sleep

Now the morning bright blue cold
is where I want to wallow
and steal away the moonlight
with you, my love….

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
July 15, 2023

Dedicated to my man Dan on this beautiful summer night… ❤

Happy Saturday! This poem was inspired by the song “Birds,” written and sung by the delightful Emiliana Torrini. I just discovered her music in the past year, and she has a lovely voice. One of my favorite things to do is to take a song and write my own lyrics to it, following the rhythm and ambience of the music. This helps me narrow my creative focus, and even take my poetry in a different direction. The above poem is the result, and I’m happy with the results. Plus it is soooo much fun! I have posted the video of the song below. Give it a listen – I hope you will enjoy her music!

Not much else going on here. The heat has been intense, haven’t been able to get out for an evening run this week due to the storms and heat. I’m hoping to be able to get out there one of these nights. Today we drove up to Maryland to visit Mom and celebrate her 86th birthday! We picked up food, sang Happy Birthday, had cupcakes and chatted. We weren’t able to go up this past Thursday as I have been juggling multiple work deadlines. It was wonderful to see her, she is really doing well. Her mind is razor sharp and she moves around really well for her age! 🙂

On our agenda next week is having the interior of our home painted in the front entry way, upstairs halls and kitchen. It has been that horrible cheap, chalky white builder’s grade paint that we have not gotten around to painting even though we’ve now been here for ELEVEN years LOL!!! It is way too large of a job for us to tackle ourselves. Our entryway is two stories high, and we don’t have the equipment for that. So everything has to come down off the many walls and from the soffits of our kitchen cabinets. The last time I painted was about ten years ago when I tackled our morning room – I wrenched my neck from that job. I guess my body is getting too old for that sort of thing, even though I have no problems with daily workouts. I think it’s the strain on the back and neck from painting that really gets me!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and that next week is a wonderful one for you!

xoxo Colleen

Mood: Joyous
Inspiration: “Birds” by Emiliana Torrini

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 2.15 – Connectedness
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by Steppenwolf (“On clouds of sound I drift in the night”; “Now the morning bright blue cold”)
Easy Bonus: Use the word “bangarang”

Beyond the Spanish Moss

Beyond the Spanish Moss

Scrub pines and banyans beckon
bedecked with Spanish moss
lazy cumulus clouds drift free
across the periwinkle horizon.

Fiery sun rises opposite the moon
its early morning heat blazing
as the dragonfly silently hovers
alighting on dew drenched lily pad.

The blue heron turns, unblinking
lifts long delicate wings in flight
gliding gracefully across the bay
and the seagulls are calling, calling.

The wind is shifting as waves crash
and there’s a white mist blinding me
tears trickle, my world shifts and tilts
I feel my heart being pulled homeward.

Shall I cling to you like Spanish moss,
move in tandem with balmy breeze?
Might my lips burn like the August sun,
and make the heat rise within you?

Soon our arms entwine and lift in flight
as we soar across the azure sea
sailing far beyond Spanish moss
ascending past the stars into eternity.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2021
July 11, 2021