Sensuality of Spring

Sensuality of Spring

Step into nature and behold
the winter’s secrets left untold.
The turning of the season brings
the sensuality of spring.

Pink and chartreuse buds are sprouting,
doves are cooing, bluejays shouting.
Soon the butterfly spreads its wings,
the sensuality of spring.

The wind whips up and raindrops fall
instilling peace and sense of awe,
as choir of woodland creatures sing
the sensuality of spring.

Step into nature and behold
the sensuality of spring.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
April 15, 2023

Good morning! I wrote this this morning as a light rain fell outside. The temperature is warmer and spring is in full bloom. All around in my backyard, spring is alive. My beautiful hydrangea are sprouting beautiful chartreuse buds. These two hydrangea bushes are my best garden success, and I adore the huge softball sized flowers that sprout cream color and turn to a dusky pink in September. They are actually trees now – close to 20 feet tall and about to approach my upstairs bathroom window.

Hydrangeas have become my favorite flower. I think we got lucky and just happened to plant them in their happy place where they can thrive. I have failed at planting other hybrid blue and purple hydrangeas in other spots in the backyard, only to be burnt up by the blazing afternoon sun. This is the only northern spot where they can bask in the morning sun and shaded the rest of the day. And they have taken over the entire north side of the house, so there’s no room for more. If anyone has other suggestions on hydrangea care and placement, I’m all ears.

I am missing my Kwanzen Cherry trees and their gorgeous pink blossoms, both of which perished in the last few years. One was injured by a lawn mower mishap and died a slow death, the other was blown over in a windstorm two years ago. Dan has agreed we need to buy another one, so we will do that soon but won’t see the blossoms until next year.  

Easter was so much fun – all of my siblings and Mom together at our house for a lovely gathering. I still haven’t posted pics yet, as I have been super busy at work with tax extensions. I will try to post this weekend. I did miss the grandkids dearly, though. I send them specially made Easter baskets each year, filled with non-perishable candy, treats, clothes and Easter trinkets. We FaceTimed this week as they opened up the baskets, and they were so excited. It brings me great joy to see them so happy!

Have a lovely weekend, friends and family. Enjoy the beautiful comforts of spring that you find in nature.

xoxo Colleen

Mood: Enchanted
Inspiration: “Life” by Ludovico Einaudi

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 41.14 Topic: Easter Basket
Hard Bonus: Include a quote about Easter or spring (“the sensuality of spring”)
Easy Bonus: Mention the color “chartreuse”