Pure Deceit

Pure Deceit

Behold, here cometh the pack of liars,
their stench of hot air blowing greed and pride,
like being trapped on a funicular
stranded high on a blazing mountainside.

Evil forces have created this storm,
though we don’t know who’s behind the curtain.
Death, mayhem and destruction are the norm;
Our country is dying, that’s for certain.

In the conquest for ultimate control,
they trade their lives for the devil’s command.
There are no heroes, only tainted souls
who rule over this once prosperous land.

Pure deceit stokes the political games…
Only in America there’s no shame.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
July 7, 2023

Happy Friday! Sorry it’s not all hearts and flowers this week LOL. I had a rough week, and admittedly have been feeling a bit ragged.  So…. it was time to take a walk on the dark side. I don’t know about you, but I can hardly even bear to watch the news anymore, it’s enough to make you sick seeing the lies, hatred, corruption and bitterness that abounds. We don’t talk politics in my family, for good reason. It’s one of those subjects that is so volatile and just not worth arguing about.

I know it can’t be just me, but it seems as if everything is getting worse with every passing day…. and I worry for our beautiful country, because it feels like we are weakening by the day. I truly love America, and I hope that we can once again be united again with clear vision for the future. How about spreading some beautiful music, peace, love and sunshine? I guess that’s the hippie in me speaking. God bless America!


Mood: Distressed but hopeful
Inspiration: “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 1.15 – Only In America
Hard Bonus: Incorporate the word “funicular”
Easy Bonus: Mention a hero


  1. Ha, we love it when you walk on the dark side. I fear for your planet, the political machine has been quite destructive all over! KUDOS Earthling! ❤

  2. dahliaramone says:

    I do also love a walk on the dark side. Powerful poem. I skim through the news every night, but most of it is so depressing. (((hugs)))

  3. I am in full agreement with you Colleen, getting harder and harder to watch such destructive practices. Your sonnet was just the emotional outburst we all have boiling beneath the surface. Well done. xo

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