

The sun rises with crimson and gold flair
with scent of lilacs on the morning breeze.
Sweet chickadee sings and darts through the air,
landing with grace in weeping willow tree.

She is the sunshine that lights up my life,
my reason for being, my heart’s delight.
Sweet chickadee eases my pain and strife,  
her radiant smile, a beautiful sight.

As the sun fades to indigo twilight,
mystical clouds move on horizon far.
Sweet chickadee drifts into velvet night
amidst a sky full of moonlight and stars.

All through the seasons of blooms, sun and snow
Her heart stays with me, wherever she goes.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
May 18, 2024

Hello from Florida! 🙂 Dan and I are down here babysitting the grandkids while Katie and Brenton are on a trip to Europe for a destination wedding. We are having so much fun with them, but boy is it exhausting, haha! (At least when you’re in your 60’s, it is…) They are non-stop fun, energy and relentless negotiators!! We have been playing, swimming, lunch at Chick-Fil-A, a trip to Publix, made spaghetti dinner, played indoor camping, and are about to make some Rice Krispie treats once Posie wakes up from an unplanned nap.

This sonnet just sort of morphed from a nature poem into a love poem. It’s a bit of a tribute to three radiant, beautiful women closest to me in life – my mother Gloria, my daughter Katie and of course, my granddaughter Posie. They are all my reasons for my being, in different ways! So I guess you could call this is a Mother’s Day poem. The chickadee is one of the sweetest birds in the garden that just seems to radiate love. My Mom, Katie and Posie all remind me of their kind spirit. They are beacons of light in my life. Each one of them touches my heart and lifts me up in their own special way. I’ve never referred to any of them as a chickadee, but maybe I’ll start calling Posie my little chickadee — I think she’d love that.

As for memories of my mother, there are far too many wonderful ones to mention. She has always been my rock, my confidante, my prayer warrior, and my friend throughout my entire life. Mom, I can never thank you enough for the support and love you’ve shown me over the years. I would never be the woman I am today with you, and just so you know — I am becoming more like you every day, haha! I LOVE YOU, My Old Chickadee!! (I say that with so much love, as I am now also an old chickadee myself LOL!) Hope you all had a Happy Mother’s Day filled with family and love!

Xoxo, Colleen

Mood: Happy
Inspiration: “Songbird” by Fleetwood Mac

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 46.15 – Wherever She Goes
Hard Bonus: Include a song title that mentions something celestial (“A Sky Full of Stars” by Coldplay)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate a memory of your mother


  1. Oh my, a lovely tribute to three very special chickadees in your life. Wonderful sonnet – KUDOS to you, Earthling! ❤

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