Plea to Virgo

Plea to Virgo

I see it written in the stars,
in glow of Virgo from afar,
a message from moon of mercy…
a promise for eternity.

Fear and discontent taint the night;
the time is now to make things right.
Show us the path to destiny…
a promise for eternity.

Time and seasons will pass you by,
as hopes and dreams melt in the sky.
Goddess of justice, hear my plea…
a promise for eternity.

I see it written in the stars,
a promise for eternity.

Colleen Keller Breuning
March 9, 2024

Good morning, Happy Saturday. This Kyrielle sonnet reflects the mood of the week. It was steered by the challenge prompts, combining  Virgo, goddess of justice, and Yes lyrics. Side note: Yes is one of my all-time favorite 70’s progressive genre band I’ve been following since I was 13 years old!

*RANT INCOMING* I have a lot going on in my life, a lot on my mind lately. I tend to worry excessively and obsess over things not in my control, which has led to major anxiety in my life. It is extremely hard to find peace in the midst of storms, and that is kind of where I am at writing this. Writing helps purge my soul of the anxiety that builds up inside.

Today I worry about the state of our country and our planet. I worry about what our future holds, not just personally but mankind in general. Things are so terrible right now:  inflation, cost of living, crime, border invasion, war, fentanyl deaths, corruption, divisiveness… There is an endless list of problems that grows by the day. Everything seems to be spiraling out of control. I don’t know how young families are making it in this day and age. The cost of living is at an all-time high, and wages aren’t keeping pace. People can’t get ahead, and as a result, credit card debt is at an all-time high. It is hard to fathom how we can sustain this. I had hoped I would be able to retire at age 64 or 65, but like many people my age, that looks extremely unlikely in the near future. I am blessed to have a wonderful job, so I’ll hang on for a few more years.

Here is my plea to Virgo and all in the universe: Open your eyes and see for yourself what is really happening in the state of our world. Things are getting progressively worse by the day. Something must change or we will not survive! Okay, I feel a little better now. *RANT OVER*

My wish for you on this rainy Saturday is peace and a better tomorrow. I love you all!


Mood: Blue
Inspiration: “Natural Blues” by Moby

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 36.15 – The Promise of Stars
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by the band Yes (“Melt in the sky” and “seasons will pass you by”)
Easy Bonus: Mention a constellation (Virgo)