Falter and Fall

Falter and Fall

Strange how I falter
when I rise with the robins
that dark sense of dread

I feel lost, forlorn
as if something is missing
like my lone gray sock

Strange how my heart beats
trapped moth against the porchlight
panic grips my throat

I take a deep breath
and lace up my running shoes
searching for calmness

Strange how I conquer
miles passing beneath my feet
confidence restored.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
August 26, 2023

Hello, all! Just a quick haiku series that I thought up as I was lying on the beach relaxing. We are in Virginia Beach for a long weekend getaway. So wonderful to sleep in, soak up the sun, and eat some delicious dinners. A very much needed vacation, for sure!

This poem is a snapshot of anxiety. It can sneak up on you as you wake up in the morning, or hit you randomly in the middle of the day. It has been one of my biggest struggles in life, and I can relate to anyone who has struggled with it. Those who do not simply do not understand what it is like. It can take over your life if you let it. One of the best ways for me to cope with it is to exercise. Running alone in nature is my favorite antidote, and I’m lucky to have a running trail around the lake in our neighborhood.

As for the missing sock, that really did happen! One of my favorite gray running socks suddenly went missing about 8 months ago. I chided Dan that it was probably rolled up in one of his tee shirts, which is where they’ve been found in the past.  I am blessed to have a husband who willingly folds laundry, so I try not to complain about missing socks too much, haha! I purposely left the orphaned gray sock sit on my dresser for several months, and then gave up. I put it back in my sock drawer, always hoping that its twin would return. And holy cow, we found it several weeks ago. Where was it, you ask? It was stuffed down in the side of our living room loveseat!!!! I can only guess that hubby was folding laundry there watching tv and it fell down in the crack. Or maybe one of the cats confiscated it…. yeah, that’s it!

Have a great weekend, and always have hope that missing sock will return!


Mood: Serene
Inspiration: “On Your Shore” by Enya

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 8.15 – Run for the Glory
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric from Enya (“Strange how I falter;” “Strange how my heart beats” from “On Your Shore”)
Easy Bonus: Include a missing sock


  1. Great way to conquer the anxiety, for sure. Lovely haiku series! KUDOS Earthling! ❤

    1. Dave says:

      A road map to the destination of peaceful feelings! Way to manifest that gray sock ha

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