Ode to a Trucker

Ode to a Trucker

The road is my life
miles passing, grinding my gears
wheels stuck in the mud

Riding the asphalt
through lush and verdant forests
across desert plains

The landscape may change
but the song remains the same
there is no escape

The road is my chain
and my journey has been long
time to be set free

I have been waiting
for the wind to carry me
to greener pastures

A place of comfort
where I can rest my weary bones
and dream of the sea

Where sunsets beckon
with shades of pink and purple
in heavenly skies

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
January 27, 2024

Hello everyone. I hope you have been enjoying the crazy spring-like weather here in the Southeast! It got up to 72 degrees yesterday – it was just 8 degrees the other morning! This afternoon I was finally able to get out for a 5.5 mile run, first time since January 1! It felt so good to move my body, and it was perfect running weather!

This Haiku series just kind of tumbled out tonight. I had no time to even think about writing until this evening. I think the fact that I’m beyond tired is what led me down this path. I’ve been working quite a lot of OT the past 3 weeks, with the upcoming January 31 deadline.  Work, eat, exercise, sleep. Repeat. That’s about it. I’ve made a lot of progress, knocking out quarterly/annual payroll filings, 1099s and helping clients solve other various problems. And even though we’re only 4 days to the January 31 deadline, it still feels like there is so much to be done. I’m not overwhelmed, everything will get done. I’ve been working steadily at everything. I’m just tired LOL. Probably because I’m getting too old for these long days and need more sleep! Next weekend I am hoping to do NOTHING but relax and work out.

Anyway, the prompts made me think back to the many long road trips we made to Florida, and encountered so many different truck drivers. I can’t imagine what it must be like to drive, drive, drive all day, long hours, sometimes weeks away from family, with the treacheries of the road ahead of them. So it ended up being a little ode to them. They risk their lives on the road every day to ensure we have food, products, and necessities in life. So thank you, truckers! You rock and deserve a rest and time with the family.

But the poem can also be metaphoric. If you’re on that same treadmill in life, that journey that never seems to change, when you just want to rest and relax. And someday retire? Ha ha, that seems like a pipe dream now with the horrible economy and tanking 401Ks. So it can apply to almost anyone who finds themselves “stuck.” And…. that is all for my pontificating. I’m tired and going to go have a glass of wine and crash. Have a great weekend, and hang in there no matter where you are on your journey! I love you! ❤


Mood: Weary
Inspiration: “My Body is a Cage” by Peter Gabriel

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 30.15 – The Road is Life
Hard Bonus: Finish the sentence “I have been _____”
Easy Bonus: Reference getting stuck in the mud


  1. I like your take on the challenge – truckers are vital, but often overlooked and even demonized while on the road. Nice work – KUDOS, Earthling! ❤

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