Ship Without A Sail

Ship Without a Sail

words on my tongue
fall upon deaf ears
nobody’s listening
the entire world has caught fire
and I don’t have the strength to fight
torrid flames lick my pale, weathered skin
lusting to burn away my brittle bones
perhaps I shall flee, run away from home
my attempt to escape this madness
diving into the deep black sea
with no sense of direction
a ship without a sail
floating aimlessly
my soul gutted,
a hollowed

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
June 14, 2024

Hello! TGIF…. this is just a stream-of-consciousness write that I find that I need to do when I’m tired and need a release of my poison pen, haha. Seriously, it’s been a long, tiring and depressing week. The funeral for my cousin Steve was on Monday, and it’s always difficult when a beloved family member passes away. It’s hard enough saying goodbye to someone you loved, but then seeing your other relatives aging before your eyes… it’s just heartbreaking! I know you can all relate to this, I know it’s a part of life, but it is damned hard, and I am just tired.

The emotions of the week resulted in an etheree about life and death. There is no escaping either. That wasn’t really my intent as I started it, but how it turned out. Music, writing and exercise are my forms of therapy. Some days it works, others not so much…but I’m doing better now.

Remember that life is precious, but life is also hard. My only sage advice (if you choose to listen haha) is to love deeply and live your life to the fullest. That’s all I’ve got… I love you all!


Mood: Tired
Inspiration: “A Ship Without a Sail” by Johnny Mathis

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 50.15 – Sage Advice
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a song title from Johnny Mathis (“A Ship Without a Sail”)
Easy Bonus: Run away from home (or include someone running away from home)


  1. Grief is an emotion that can take the wind out of your sails, for sure. You have found a cathartic way to work through the process with this heartrending write. Kudos, Dear Earthling! ❤

  2. likamarie says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. ((((hugs))))

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