Ivory Castles

Ivory Castles

as the North wind bites
they huddle by the lamp posts
bracing against night

their problems many
they have no value, they are
a worthless penny

pass them on the street
no soul for the downtrodden
when you are elite

pity is treason
when you can turn a blind eye
for no good reason

when the words won’t come
and your heart is a cold stone
the damage is done

red plaid and tassels
just turn your back and hide in
ivory castles

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
December 16, 2023

Hello, friends and family. Fair warning – I’ve gone dark with my writing today! I really don’t know how this poem came about, except maybe that Maximilien Robespierre quote kind of hit me like a rock. I got this terrible feeling stuck in my chest, because the world is so damn complicated and heartbreaking. Seeing the homeless encampments in most of our cities just makes me so frustrated and angry, and it seems things are getting worse by the day. There are so many atrocities in our cities, our country, and the world. Doesn’t it seem like we are just on the brink of something terrible? I think many of us try to have faith and hope, but the way this world is going now…. we need positive changes to happen NOW! Things certainly can’t keep going the way they are.

It is so sad that many of our homeless are down and out individuals, veterans, or drug addicts, many of them mentally ill, as well. I can barely stand to watch the videos or witness the way they live when we’re visiting DC. It is horribly gut-wrenching, and they all have a story. We had a homeless elderly woman in our work parking lot this past summer, she was just sitting in the shade for the entire day, with a jug of water in the blazing heat. I felt so bad for her that one day after work, I packed up a bag full of sparkling waters, snacks and apples I had stashed and gave it to her. She could barely speak, for the heat, but she looked at me muttered thank you. There was just a glazed look in her eyes, one of defeat and desperation that I couldn’t imagine what she was enduring. The next day, the ambulance wheeled her away with heat stroke! I never knew her name, and never saw her again, but I still think of her from time to time.

One thing is for sure – we are fortunate to have what we have, and we don’t always appreciate the good in our lives. And yes, then we get caught up in the busyness and clatter of our own lives…. secure in our ivory castles. Sorry this is not a “happy happy, joy joy” kind of write today. I’ll save that for next time. Until then, may you breathe deep and appreciate the blessings you have in your life! ❤ ❤


Mood: Down
Inspiration: “To Build A Home” by Patrick Watson/The Cinematic Orchestra

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 24.15 – Mad for Plaid
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a Maximilien Robespierre quote (“Pity is treason”)
Easy Bonus: Include a castle