Just Like the Stars

Just Like the Stars

She rose with the dawn, spreading smiles,
Laughter and song carried for miles.
Her voice, a beacon from afar…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

She danced across the astral planes,
Neptune’s fog and Jupiter rains.
Twirling beyond Venus and Mars…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

Cold silence broke deep in the night,
Nothing could ever dim her light.
Fragile beauty, branded with scars…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

She rose with the dawn, spreading smiles…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
August 18, 2023

Happy Friday! And this week it is Writer’s Choice week in Blogophilia, the writing group I belong to! That means we can choose our own prompts and pictures as inspiration to write.

Honestly, I don’t even know where this came from this evening. I was sitting here after dinner, listening to some ambient music, trying to get some inspiration for a poem. Usually all it takes is music or a lyric to get my imagination going. I scrolled through some memorable lyrics I have written down from many years of blogging and I came across the Lyle Lovett lyric “Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.” I just ran with that lyric and crafted a Kyrielle Sonnet around it.

This imaginary girl in my poem is an optimist and a dreamer, who gets beat down in her life. No matter what happened to her, she rose to overcome the difficulties. Her eyes were always bright in the darkness, and her light could never be dimmed no matter what she went through. I believe all of us have this little girl (or little boy) inside of us. Perhaps we have faced difficulties in life that have scarred us or dampened our will to carry on. But we have those scars to remind us how strong we are, what we have been through, the battles we have endured, and proof of how resilient the human soul really is.

Wow, that sounds awfully deep for this poem that sounds like someone just dancing aimlessly through the galaxy without a care in the world! Well, that is where imagination and dreams come in… we need those in our lives, as an escape from harsh realities. It’s kind of like when you just go outside at night and sit and stare at the moon and stars. Don’t you feel a sense of serenity, or that you are one with the universe? It helps to settle down the anxiety when you realize that even though you are but a speck in the universe, you are NOT alone. Well, it is very meditative for me!

So go ahead — dream on, dance through the galaxy, and always keep your eyes as bright as the stars, my dear ones!


Mood: Peaceful
Inspiration: “A Melody” by Ralph Zurmühle

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 7.15 – Resilience (Writer’s Choice)
Hard Bonus: Write a Kyrielle Sonnet (Writer’s Choice)
Easy Bonus: Use a Lyle Lovett lyric “Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.” (Writer’s Choice)