Washed Out to Sea

Washed Out to Sea

I sit upon the craggy rocks
Fluffy white clouds float by in flocks
The past, a distant memory
As the tide washes out to sea.

My heart feels hollow, left behind
Tears of sorrow render me blind
Whispers to heaven, fervent plea
As the tide washes out to sea.

Take me with you, far and away
To golden fields and jasmine sway
Our haven for eternity
As the tide washes out to sea.

I sit upon the craggy rocks
As the tide washes out to sea.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
February 10, 2024

Hello everyone – hope you are having a great week! This was Writer’s Choice Week in Blogophilia, so I could write as my heart desired.

Next week marks the 21st Anniversary of my father’s passing; he died of lung cancer on February 17, 2003. This poem is dedicated to him. The pain of losing him will never, ever go away. Dad was a “gentle giant” and my protector. He was the strong and silent one who was always looking out for me during my life, even when I didn’t want him to. Everyone loved and gravitated to him, especially babies and children. He was an inspiration for all his five children, and countless grandchildren. I miss his comforting presence, his voice, his hugs, his sense of humor, his hearty laugh, his love for life. I even miss his funny, prolific sneezes (he could sneeze like 15 times in a row)! Dad was a great cook, a bird nerd and a music lover, which I believe all of us kids inherited from him. For some reason, the past few weeks I have found myself thinking of him at the end of the day and releasing a few tears. He died far too young at the age of 68, and we all wish we had more time with him.

That said, I am instead trying to focus on the beautiful memories and the blessings that I have received from Dad throughout my life, which are plentiful. Some of the best memories I have are just of BEING with him…. going to work at the rail yards, playing ball in the backyard, watching the fireworks from our playroom window, summer nights sitting on the front porch, listening to music, watching hockey, driving trips, rocking on hotel porch chairs simply watching and listening to the ocean… He may not have been perfect, as we are all flawed in some way, but he was the perfect Dad for me. I miss you and love you, Daddy!

May you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day – remember to cherish those you love, and always take the opportunity to show them and tell them how much you love them!!! ❤


Mood: Sad
Inspiration: “Dear Father” by Neil Diamond – Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Dad’s favorite

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 32.15 – WRITER’S CHOICE – Washed Out
Hard Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Include your favorite flower (jasmine)
Easy Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Incorporate floating clouds



I dreamt I was a hummingbird
Pursuing melodies unheard.
Borne on the wind, so wild and free…
In search of my true destiny.

My silken wings carry me far
Beyond the moon and shining stars,
Above the weeping willow trees…
In search of my true destiny.

Cool waters beckon me to land,
Reflections cast upon the strand.
I looked, but all I saw was me…
In search of my true destiny.

I dreamt I was a hummingbird
In search of my true destiny.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
March 3, 2022

From a real dream that I had a few weeks ago… very vivid colors and fantasy-like! I love when I can remember those kinds of dreams. That first line was rolling around in my head this whole time and I figured I better write it down soon or I’d forget it!!

Check out my spoken word version of “Hummingbird”
Mood: Elated
Inspiration: Hans Zimmer “Cornfield Chase”

Beyond the Spanish Moss

Beyond the Spanish Moss

Scrub pines and banyans beckon
bedecked with Spanish moss
lazy cumulus clouds drift free
across the periwinkle horizon.

Fiery sun rises opposite the moon
its early morning heat blazing
as the dragonfly silently hovers
alighting on dew drenched lily pad.

The blue heron turns, unblinking
lifts long delicate wings in flight
gliding gracefully across the bay
and the seagulls are calling, calling.

The wind is shifting as waves crash
and there’s a white mist blinding me
tears trickle, my world shifts and tilts
I feel my heart being pulled homeward.

Shall I cling to you like Spanish moss,
move in tandem with balmy breeze?
Might my lips burn like the August sun,
and make the heat rise within you?

Soon our arms entwine and lift in flight
as we soar across the azure sea
sailing far beyond Spanish moss
ascending past the stars into eternity.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2021
July 11, 2021

Waiting For Spring (A Villanelle)


Waiting For Spring (A Villanelle)

Sweet sentient beings of the sky

Rustling about in the hedgerow,

Waiting for spring… to dream, to fly.


A cool wind whispers as clouds roll by,

Telling tales they already know,

Sweet sentient beings of the sky.


Heed the call of the lonely magpie

Through the valley, soft voices echo,

Waiting for spring… to dream, to fly.


Cardinals flock and chickadees cry,

Seeking comfort in haven of snow,

Sweet sentient beings of the sky.


Dancers in the wings, crows go awry,

Stirring up horses in a meadow

Waiting for spring… to dream, to fly.


Rest little ones, morning is nigh.

The stars will guide you as you go.

Sweet sentient beings of the sky,

Waiting for spring… to dream, to fly.


Colleen Keller Breuning © 2015

January 7, 2015