

I believe in love at first sight,
My furry little feline sprite.
In your shelter cage, full of glee…
My heart you stole eternally.

Mood swings from funny to fickle:
Playful, puckish, in a pickle.
Blind luck? I call it destiny…
My heart you stole eternally.

I held you close that fateful day
And helped your spirit sail away.
Chase that rainbow, finally free…
My heart you stole eternally.

I believe in love at first sight…
My heart you stole eternally.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
February 11, 2023

This was written for Tommy Breuning, my furry soulmate who died from lymphoma on September 12, 2020. He was 15 years old. He was my animal spirit, my furry soulmate, and he completely stole my heart from that very first day. Here is the story of how we met in 2005.

It was September 11, 2005. We were on a mission to rescue a cat. There had been a huge influx of stranded kittens into Florida from Louisiana, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Kate and I went down to the Broward Humane Society, and it was jam packed with folks wanting to adopt the plethora of dogs and cats in need of a home. The local Channel 10 station was even there, covering the news. We had looked at some of the Louisiana rescue kittens, and even stood in a long line to get a chance to meet a few. We held Lucky and another white cat from New Orleans that were from this import, but they were skittish and we really didn’t seem to bond. I knew that we both had to feel something in our hearts, that would be the sign that kitten was the one for us. I was trying to be patient and determined to get the right match.

We went back into the large cat area of the shelter to check out the other kittens waiting for adoption. There at the very back, I spotted him. A little tiger tabby, desperately trying to cover up his poop with a shred of newspaper! He was so tiny and so adorable, and we watched him playing with his little brother behind the glass. His name was “Titus” from the Rome mini-series. It was most definitely love at first sight! We requested a meet and greet. There the little shelter room, he came to us with hesitation and snuggled up to our necks, purring loudly. He had a very loud kitten voice, and we knew immediately we HAD to adopt him!

It was an easy decision, but now the problem was…. would we get to him in time? Once we filled out the application and put in a bid for “Titus,” we were given a number to officially adopt the kitten. But we quickly discovered there were 90 people ahead of us in that packed waiting room!

Frequently, the shelter workers would call out a number and that person would be so disappointed to learn that the pet they hoped to adopt had already been adopted, sometimes minutes before. Many left disappointed, some children in tears. Katie and I were becoming more anxious as we waited. Would we get to Titus in time?

We chatted with an older couple seated next to us who were much further ahead of us in line. They were hoping to adopt a certain dog. Another family was called up, and their dog was already adopted – the same dog the couple next to us were hoping to adopt. The husband turned to me, stealthily slipping me their ticket and whispered, “Here, take our ticket. Good luck getting your kitten.”

I felt like an outlaw, a cheat, at accepting that ticket and “jumping the line.” But at the same time, I could see the hope and anticipation in Katie’s eyes. The mere thought of not bringing this little boy home was more than I could bear. I knew he was my soulmate, and I just had to have him!

About 10 minutes later, our new ticket number was called out. Katie and I approached the desk, hearts pounding. Our application had been approved…. and Titus was still available. He was ours! Tears misted our eyes as I completed the paperwork and paid the $75 fee. They said they were having a “2 for one” special, I could take another kitten home for the same price. I was very tempted to adopt his brother as well, but I did not want to push my luck and take on too much at once! We could go back and pick him up after his neuter procedure was complete. I always say that was the best $75 I ever spent.

On the drive home, we decided to change his name to Tommy, after my beloved father who had passed away two years prior. Tommy Titan. A perfect name for him! There was an immediate bond after bringing him home. I have so many funny stories and beautiful memories which I will continue to share on this blog. Tommy Breuning became a bit of a social media celebrity. He had his own Facebook page, wrote the infamous “A Tommy Blog” and sparred with his sister Jordan frequently. The Blogophilia writing group seemed to really enjoy when Tommy took over my weekly blog! I miss those Tommy blogs, and I have saved every one of them. Maybe some day I will compile a book of them. There are over 40 of them! Below is a video we created for one of our Blogophiia posts.

There ought to be a law against stealing hearts. Tommy stole mine from the very first day, but I love him eternally for that. Rest in Peace, my sweet Tommy. There will never, ever be another cat quite like you!


Mood: Thoughtful
“The Stowaway ~ A Cat’s Tail” by Colleen Breuning

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 32.14 Topic: There Ought to be a Law
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a quote or line of Sean Connery
Easy Bonus: Use the phrase “in a pickle”

Lines in the Sand

Lines in the Sand

The wind blew cold
The moon grew old
And just where did our time go?
In void of gray
You slipped away
Where all cloaked emotions flow…

Inhale the breeze
Of churning seas
As hope scatters across land.
I stand alone
Hand clasping stone
And I draw lines in the sand…

I drew you lines in the sand,
Lines in the sand…

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
July 4, 2022

I’ve been on a real Radiohead kick the past few years, and I was excited that both of my sisters are Radiohead fans as well! This is one group I have yet to see in concert, but I’m keeping my eye out for their next tour. 😉

I think Thom Yorke is one of the most brilliant lyricists and singers. His voice is ethereal, haunting, and sends chills down my spine. I particularly love this song, “Sail to the Moon,” which Thom wrote for his son. It makes me think of my beloved Tommy, especially during Tommy’s battle with lymphoma, which fatefully claimed him. I would sing the lyrics to this song to Tommy, and pray he was going to be okay.

Somehow as I was listening to this song, it inspired this poem. I don’t know why but it just came to me, starting with the phrase “lines in the sand” and it just sort of morphed into this. I love when that happens! Thank you, Thom Yorke, for your constant inspiration!

xoxo Colleen

King of the Road

Blogophilia 15.4 Topic: “Sheer Madness”

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2pts): incorporate an animal with fur other than a sloth
(Easy, 1pt): include the Samba
Final date to post: June 14th, 2011 GMT midnight
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: June 11th, 2011 GMT midnight

King Of The Road

Yo, my peeps! It’s Tommy the cat, taking control of my Mom’s blog for the week. She’s been doing chores like cleaning out the garage and organizing things around the house. She’s also been taking an online course the past few weeks, which has her glued in front of the computer. I figured since it has been a while since I last wrote, I would volunteer my services…. But it is always for a fee, of course. Starkist Albacore, to be specific!

The weather has gotten really hot down here in South Florida, so most days Jordan and I like to chill on top of the dining room table. This is always a great vantage point for keeping tabs on what’s happening inside the crib as well as out in front of our house. And I can watch Mom every time she goes out to feed that moocher stray cat, Toby. I’ve kind of gotten used to Toby, I have to admit she is really a pretty mellow female stray cat. Mom has been feeding her for over 3 years now, and they have gotten pretty friendly. Still, I get a little jealous when Mom goes out and sits with her twice a day, especially when I see Toby rubbing her head on Mom’s knee.

One night last week I was taking a nap when all of a sudden I heard this loud, unfamiliar meow outside our front door. It startled me, and I snapped to attention.

“What the….??” I snarled. I jumped on the buffet in front of the window to get a closer look. I saw that black-furred moocher eating out of Toby’s food bowl.

“It’s that loud, promiscuous tomcat, begging for a free meal. I do think he’s been trying to woo Toby. Could have sworn I saw them together in the bushes by the fountain,” Jordan stated.

Lately Toby had taken to sleeping underneath the fountain outside the front window. It provides shade from the hot summer sun, and she likes to hop up on the side and drink water out of it. For some reason, this really gets under my skin.

Next thing you know, Mom actually got up from the computer, tiptoed up to the front door and peeked out the peephole.

“Look, Tommy!! We’ve got a new black cat to feed. I’ve named him Shadow. Did you see him?”

What am I, a moron? Of course, I see him! Who do you think has been keeping tabs on that moocher? I’ve seen him do the samba up and down the middle of the street as if he owns the cul-de-sac. I’ve kept watch at night from the bay window, spying on him skulking around by the lake out back. And I’m about ready to set some things straight with him, cat to cat. I am the alpha male around here! I’ll show him!

Mom fetched the cat food canister and her camera from the kitchen and went outside. I crept over to the door and noticed that she didn’t close the door the whole way. I poked my nose through the crack.

“It’s now or never! My chance to show that thug a thing or two…” I said, nudging the door open and stepping outside.

“You’re an idiot! You’ll never catch him,” deadpanned Jordan as I stepped outside. “And besides, Mom will grab your ass and throw you back inside.”

But that didn’t stop me. I stepped carefully out onto the front step, my senses heightened. I sniffed the air.

Yeah, I smell cats out here! Mom was nowhere to be seen, she was probably out snapping pictures of the sunset.

Just then, I heard a rustle in the bushes and blood-curdling hissing noise…. My heart was nearly pounding out of my chest. Then I saw a flash of black as that damn Shadow went rushing right by me, fast as a hurricane!

“HEY! You want a piece of me?!” I yelled as he scurried off. What a fraidy cat! He couldn’t even face me, cat to cat. I was actually feeling pretty macho…. that was until Mom appeared on the walkway, hands on her hips.

“HEY MISTERBUSTER!!!!! Where do you think you’re going?” She picked me up and carried me inside the front door, laughing and kissing me.

“No outside adventures for you, buddy. The last time you broke through the screened patio and ended up being scared of your own shadow!” Mom giggled.

“Busted!!!! Bwahahaa!” Jordan cackled maniacally.

Ignoring her, I jumped back up to the front window, only to see that thug prancing down the street as if he was the king. The sheer madness of it all!

“Damn! Look at him! He thinks he’s the king of the road!”

Suddenly, Mom’s singing voice jolted me out of my whirlwind of thoughts. TUNA? Did she say TUNA? As I scrambled out to the kitchen for my favorite snack, I realized how good I had it. Hey, at least those stray moochers don’t get the premium food. Ah… Starkist Albacore! Maybe I am Mom’s favorite, after all….

Yeah, a cat’s life is pretty good!

Tommy Breuning © 2011
June 9, 2011


Keg on the road, tap that, drunk driving, heiny-can, roll out the barrel, beer barrel polka, smashed, tipsy, tow away zone, hitching a ride, busted, no parking zone, what’s on tap, smashing fun, beer bust, cold one, one for the road.