I Love You in Three Languages

I Love You in Three Languages

Strolling down Les Champs-Elysées
shivering in the rain, hands entwined
as pigeons alight on cold marble statues
wandering through majestic halls of Le Louvre
awed by the beauty of Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo
climbing a thousand iron stairs on La Tour Eiffel
sharing a gentle kiss on top of the world
scent of lilac rises from Jardin de Tuileries
as we sip fine Bordeaux at the sidewalk cafe
your eyes meet mine, and my heart melts.

Je t’aime, mon amour…

Walking through dark Colosseum dungeons,
echoing footsteps in the cool, dank tunnels
exploring the lush ruins of Palatine Hill
ducks splashing in sparkling pools and fountains
pushing through teeming masses of Vatican City
breath taken away in hushed, reverent gold halls
maneuvering steep cobblestone stairs of Positano
the sweet aroma of lemon trees fills the veranda
as we sip fine Chianti overlooking turquoise sea
your eyes meet mine, and my spirit soars.

Ti amo, amore mio …

Climbing up the steep ridge to our place of solitude
settling into Adirondack chairs in verdant fields
stoking the fire, flames burning orange and gold
the strawberry moon glows from its perch overhead
as the catbird cries out from their maple tree nest
the sun descends into the embrace of purple mountains
hues of tangerine and pink reflecting in puffy clouds
the perfume of honeysuckle floats in the cool air
as we sip fine Cabernet beneath the twinkling stars
your hand touches mine, and my soul is at peace.

I love you forever, my love…

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
June 22, 2024

Hello and Happy Saturday! I want to thank everyone for your kind, heartfelt messages on my birthday this week (June 20). I am still going through all my comments on Facebook and responding individually. I had to work a long day on my birthday, but I was off the day before for Juneteenth holiday. I went up to Maryland to Mom’s house, visited with all my siblings, and a handful of nieces, nephews and their kids. It was such a wonderful birthday gift for me!

So far this month has been quite difficult, with the devastating death of my cousin, seeing my elderly relatives and missing my kids and grandkids. My impending birthday didn’t help the mood, as I sometimes feel a bit melancholy about getting older. I let myself feel those feelings (better to let them out and not stuff them), then breathe deep, and move forward.

I am very blessed with family, health, a good job, comfortable home, and surrounded by the beauty of nature. But most of all, I’m blessed by having my husband Dan in my life. He’s my soulmate and the love of my life. We’ve been so many places together — including Paris and Rome – but by far, our favorite place to be is at home with each other. Dan is a compassionate, patient, generous, caring man, and he totally “gets” me. So this poem is dedicated to him. I am so glad we met all those years ago in Oklahoma! Who would have ever known the direction both of our paths would take, and that friends and fate would bring us together. I’m so grateful and blessed. I love you forever, my love!


Mood: Feeling Old
Inspiration: “When I’m Sixty Four” by The Beatles

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 51.15 – Paris or Rome??
Hard Bonus: Say something in French, Italian or both languages
Easy Bonus: Include a bottle of fine wine (Bordeaux, Chianti, Cabernet)

Chase Away the Blues

Chase Away the Blues

Cold morning, sun is breaking
I’m tired, my knees are aching
big stretch, I drag out of bed
clearing cobwebs from my head.

Feel like fifty shades of black
trying to get my mojo back
chock full of mixed emotions
putting the wheels in motion.

Time to chase away the blues
lacing up my running shoes
time to chase away the blues.

Slow pace, body awakens
soon all my doubts are shaken
lungs fill and burn with crisp air
run beneath the sun’s warm glare.

Freed from anxiety’s chains
new blood pulses through my veins
deep within peace and calm spread
set to face the day ahead.

Time to chase away the blues
lacing up my running shoes
time to chase away the blues.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
April 27, 2024

Good Saturday morning, everyone! This song was inspired by the rhythm and stanza structure of Radiohead’s song “Let Down.” It reflects my mood of the week, feeling a bit down, tired and blue after the grandkids left on Monday. I was determined to get back into my exercise routine, and I managed to log a 6 mile run twice this week. I prefer late afternoon or evening running to morning running. (If you know me, it is because I am not a morning person LOL!) Plus with my work schedule, morning workouts are impossible. No matter how I feel when I start a run, I always end up feeling fantastic afterwards. I prefer to run alone, as it is my escape time, my “ME” time. I listen to my running playlist, get lost in the beauty of our nature trail around the lake, and release all my stress and anxiety. It is magical.

We had a whirlwind visit from the nuggets this past week, but it was so much fun. I am admittedly exhausted, as they are nonstop fun and energy! We visited a few wineries with Katie and Brenton last Thursday, the kids enjoyed running free and feeding the ducks at Doukenie Winery. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. We took them to dinner at the Country Club and sat outside, right beside an open grass area where they ran and played with some other children. Then we had them solo for the weekend when Katie and Brenton went to a wedding in Richmond. Some of the highlights included playing in the basement with Katie’s old toys,  Chik-Fil-A, my niece’s 18th birthday party, a visit with Nanny Keller, a trip to City Park (my favorite childhood park), swinging and sliding boards, Snow Cones, a crazy ride home full of giggles and Pringles, visiting the cats at Otium, ice cream at Gruto’s, and playing in the pink snow (fallen cherry blossoms). I cherish this time with them, it was so memorable!

I was so busy, focused on being in the moment and enjoying them, that I never even posted one picture of their visit until this morning. I’ve got some catching up to do. They left on Monday morning, and I was back to work an hour later, with a hectic pace continuing the rest of the week. This Nanny Bee is feeling tired, but very blessed and grateful. Life is wonderful! Enjoy your weekend!


Mood: Re-energized
Inspiration: “Let Down” by Radiohead

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 42.15 – Putting the Wheels in Motion
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a movie in which one of the Wayans Brothers appeared (“Fifty Shades of Black”; “New Blood”)
Easy Bonus: Include running shoes

Looking For My Rainbow

Looking for My Rainbow

Through dark clouds of uncertainty
Searching for peace and harmony
Beyond the wisps of fleeting snow…
I am looking for my rainbow.

On bended knees I bow and pray
Kind angels showing me the way
To a place where compassion flows…
I am looking for my rainbow.

In this world full of pain and strife
I rise and resurrect my life
Emboldened by the sun’s gold glow…
I am looking for my rainbow.

Through dark clouds of uncertainty…
I am looking for my rainbow.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
April 6, 2024

Good Saturday Morning! The Canned Heat song titles led me in this direction this morning, which ended up being a wonderful thing. They inspired this Kyrielle Sonnet which just flowed out of my head. I definitely like when that happens!

Do you believe in angels and in the power of prayer? I sure do! I have my own personal guardian angels that have helped me through countless difficult times in life. Just when I I thought I did not have the strength to continue, something (or someone) gently nudged me forward. I am eternally grateful for those beautiful angels in my life, and strangely, even for the bends and twists my path has taken. It has not been easy at times, but it has made me stronger. Going through those trials and tribulations truly shaped who I am today.

Last week, we had a nice little Easter dinner at our home, hosting Mom, Sarah and her family. It is always so wonderful getting together with family, though I miss our kids and grandkids tremendously. However, in just eleven days, Katie’s crew will be coming up for a visit! She and Brenton are going to a friend’s wedding in Richmond, so we get to have the nuggets all to ourselves for the entire weekend. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate so we can drive to see family in Maryland, take them to some playgrounds or just have fun in our backyard. I can’t wait!

The takeaway this week is to keep looking for your rainbow, even in the darkest days. Just ask your guardian angel for help, she/he will happily help you get there! Have a great weekend, everyone! ❤


Mood: Hopeful
Inspiration: “Push the Sky Away” by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 40.15 – Resurrection
Hard Bonus: Include a song title by Canned Heat (Dark Clouds; Looking for My Rainbow)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate an angel

Plea to Virgo

Plea to Virgo

I see it written in the stars,
in glow of Virgo from afar,
a message from moon of mercy…
a promise for eternity.

Fear and discontent taint the night;
the time is now to make things right.
Show us the path to destiny…
a promise for eternity.

Time and seasons will pass you by,
as hopes and dreams melt in the sky.
Goddess of justice, hear my plea…
a promise for eternity.

I see it written in the stars,
a promise for eternity.

Colleen Keller Breuning
March 9, 2024

Good morning, Happy Saturday. This Kyrielle sonnet reflects the mood of the week. It was steered by the challenge prompts, combining  Virgo, goddess of justice, and Yes lyrics. Side note: Yes is one of my all-time favorite 70’s progressive genre band I’ve been following since I was 13 years old!

*RANT INCOMING* I have a lot going on in my life, a lot on my mind lately. I tend to worry excessively and obsess over things not in my control, which has led to major anxiety in my life. It is extremely hard to find peace in the midst of storms, and that is kind of where I am at writing this. Writing helps purge my soul of the anxiety that builds up inside.

Today I worry about the state of our country and our planet. I worry about what our future holds, not just personally but mankind in general. Things are so terrible right now:  inflation, cost of living, crime, border invasion, war, fentanyl deaths, corruption, divisiveness… There is an endless list of problems that grows by the day. Everything seems to be spiraling out of control. I don’t know how young families are making it in this day and age. The cost of living is at an all-time high, and wages aren’t keeping pace. People can’t get ahead, and as a result, credit card debt is at an all-time high. It is hard to fathom how we can sustain this. I had hoped I would be able to retire at age 64 or 65, but like many people my age, that looks extremely unlikely in the near future. I am blessed to have a wonderful job, so I’ll hang on for a few more years.

Here is my plea to Virgo and all in the universe: Open your eyes and see for yourself what is really happening in the state of our world. Things are getting progressively worse by the day. Something must change or we will not survive! Okay, I feel a little better now. *RANT OVER*

My wish for you on this rainy Saturday is peace and a better tomorrow. I love you all!


Mood: Blue
Inspiration: “Natural Blues” by Moby

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 36.15 – The Promise of Stars
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by the band Yes (“Melt in the sky” and “seasons will pass you by”)
Easy Bonus: Mention a constellation (Virgo)

Solstice Solitude

Solstice Solitude

falls on
quilts of pale white
blanketing the ground
beyond the dark forest
cardinals quiver and shiver
in endless quest for winter warmth
yesterday’s songs drift into gray skies
absorbed by heavy alabaster clouds
time to slow down, release the weights that bind
and embrace the solstice solitude
when the snowflakes will not relent
we settle into the hush
lit by radiant fires
hearts and spirits full
inhaling peace
as we slip

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
December 8, 2023

Happy Saturday! Only 16 days left until Christmas, and so much left to do. I’m sure many of you are in the same boat. The house is decorated, but quite scaled back compared to my usual full-tilt Christmas transformation. I’ve got a lot of gifts purchased, mostly online, but haven’t wrapped a thing lol. I’m waiting on my Shutterfly Christmas cards, which should arrive on Tuesday. But I’m not stressing, because it will all get done.

This poem was inspired by the coming of winter and the music of Vivaldi. I try to embrace the beauty of each season, and winter is a time of going into my “cocoon” and enjoying the comforts of home more than usual. There’s the busyness and anticipation of Christmas, and the peaceful hush afterwards. It will be even busier this year since we are traveling to Florida for Christmas. Don’t hate me, but this winter I am hoping for more snow, as we need precipitation to make up for the severe summer drought.  I also enjoy the ambiance and beauty of a fresh snowfall — the shoveling and ice, not so much.

As we approach the Winter Solstice, the days have gotten increasingly shorter. The sunset is 4:48 PM this week, and that is the one thing I don’t like about winter. It is dark when I leave work at 5 pm from Winchester and when I work until 6, it’s pitch black outside.  I’m lucky to be able to work from home 3 out of 5 days per week, and I can increase my virtual work if there is inclement weather or as my schedule requires. Another negative is that getting out for a run during the week is literally impossible this time of year. I’m planning to squeeze in a run today, but I must be mindful to hit the trail by 3:30 pm so I’m not running in the dark. I try to log 6 laps around the lake, which is just under 6 miles. But lately I’ve had to cut it short because of the early sunset.

Now that I’ve got my minor complaints out of the way, I plan to embrace the beauty of winter and remember the reason for the season. Here’s hoping that you also breathe deep and slow down in the busy pre-holiday madness! Love to all! ❤


Mood: Peaceful
Inspiration: “Winter (L’Inverno)” by Antonio Vivaldi

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 23.15 – Hurry Up, But Slow Down!
Hard Bonus: Use 3 words starting with the letter Q (quilts, quiver, quest)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate a song title by Neil Diamond (Yesterday’s Songs)



the hive is buzzing
wafting with delicious scents
honey and spices

days of preparing
to gather at the table
with dear family

laughter and music
turkey, stuffing, all the sides
candlelight dining

sun fades to twilight
and the pull of home is strong
quiet peace descends

sipping cabernet
cuddling by the fire with cats
knowing we are blessed

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
November 24, 2023

Happy Black Friday, all! No mall shopping for this chick today…I avoid going out shopping on this day LOL!! It’s kind of sad especially to see the demise of traditional malls, but the only shopping I did today was ONLINE. I just can’t tolerate the crowds and insanity anymore.  Plus you can save time and get the same deals online, so….. easy decision.

I wrote this in the quiet aftermath after hosting Thanksgiving Dinner for my family yesterday here in Virginia. There were only 10 of us, but I prepared two turkeys (40 lbs of turkey on sale for a total of $15 – SCORE!), mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn pudding, pumpkin pies, chocolate chip cookies and a homemade cheeseball. I had quite a few appetizers out, including the cheeseball with crackers, veggie tray, fruit, chips, salsa & queso dip. I’m never sure exactly what time the main dinner will be served. I aim for 3 pm, but there’s always last minute potato peeling & mashing, and of course the master Colleen gravy recipe that must be perfected before serving! I am grateful to my family for bringing some side dishes and helping with the peeling and preparation, and especially for assisting Dan and me in the cleanup!

It was a beautiful, crisp autumn day and I’m so happy my Mom, my sister Sarah and her family and my brother Doug and his girlfriend were able to join us! We had so much fun reliving memories, listening to music and just being together. We were missing my sister Barb and hubby Al, and brother Mark and wife Wendy. Everyone is so busy with life, and it’s very hard to get all of us together in one place these days. But I am truly blessed and feeling at peace today.

This afternoon’s goal was to take down all of my autumn decorations. Dan and I got it all done in less than two hours. We are scaling back on the Christmas decorating this year, because we are planning to travel to Florida to visit both of our kids for Christmas. We are looking forward to that, especially spending time with the grandkids and seeing them on Christmas morning! I can hardly wait to see their excited little faces as they open their gifts. There’s something so magical seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes, it makes me tear up thinking about it. I’ll miss having the house fully decked out, but it doesn’t make sense to put in all that effort since we won’t be here for about 11 days. And it’ll make my life a LOT easier in January, undecorating for Christmas is soooo depressing!

I hope you had a beautiful, peaceful Thanksgiving, and I’m wishing you a December full of joyous holidays, whatever you celebrate.

Mood: Content
Inspiration: “Last Train Home” by Pat Metheny Group

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 21.15 – Blessed/WRITER’S CHOICE!!!
Hard Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Write a haiku
Easy Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Include a hive

Banks of the Potomac

Banks of The Potomac

Late summer moving in slow motion,
surrounded by green on country trails,
the brazen sun burning our skin
as water gurgles against the rocks
on the banks of the Potomac.

A father and son cast on the North Branch,
tackle plunking down, reels whizzing,
pulling a croaking catfish from indigo waters.
I watch and smile, filled with fond memories
of our son bass fishing our backyard lake.

A melody of sound cuts through the heat,
Canadian Geese honk across the river,
the moo of cows carries from a distant farm,
blue jays scream, darting from ground to tree,
a freight train clicks and lumbers down the tracks.

The wind whips up the heavy storm clouds,
rustling the maple and hickory leaves
deer run for cover in the deep thickets
as a jagged bolt of lightning splits the sky
and faraway thunder rumbles deep and low.

A split second, the dark sky opens up
and torrents of rain tumble down,
father and son scramble to their truck
and we dash to the paper mill ruins,
refuge from the intense afternoon storm.

Drenched and laughing, we huddle close,  
as cool air descends from the pelting rain,
the parched oak trees seem to sigh in relief
as the raindrops pound the hot asphalt
with a hiss and rising plume of steam.

There’s no place that I would rather be than
riding out the torrid summer rainstorm with you,
watching with wonder as the sun peeks out
and a rainbow rises with its hues of glory
over the banks of the Potomac.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
July 29, 2023

Hello, can you believe July is almost over? Yikes, I wish time would slow down!

The Potomac River took me away this week, but disclaimer – this is a mostly fictional write that I could visualize in my mind. It’s a toss-up whether The Potomac or The Shenandoah River is actually closer to us. But I have very fond memories of the Potomac, especially from my childhood. We had Keller family picnics at my Uncle Bobby’s Club house near the river. There are many stories to tell about that place, as kids we loved to explore around his property but were not fond at all of that darned outhouse LOL! Some of my cousins have tried to find the place again, it’s basically a deteriorating shack now, but it seemed SO BIG when we were young! I would like to take a drive and try to find it.

One thing Dan and I really enjoy doing is going over to Harper’s Ferry for a day visit. It’s been a few years since we have gone there. It’s only about 25 miles away, and it’s where both rivers meet. Harper’s Ferry has always held a special place in my heart, for several reasons. It’s so historical, quaint and beautiful. You can hike up the big hill to St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, then even higher to the lookout at Jefferson Rock. And you can climb the stone steps still higher to explore the beautiful, ancient graveyard. Or you can take the bridge adjacent to the train tracks and cross over the Shenandoah, then climb down to explore the other side. There are many little shops and historical buildings to visit, as well as the paper mill ruins with lovely arches, which I just love photographing.

As far as best days ever, there have been far too many to choose one. My best days ever were the days Vince and Katie were born, the day I married Dan, the birth of our grandchildren, the weddings of both Vince and Katie, as well as many recent best days. And of course, childhood memories that were my best days way back then. But now that I’m older, I really try to make the absolute best of each day. Time is flying by at breakneck speed, and most days I just want to go into slow motion and savor every moment. I hope you have a lovely weekend, family and friends!


Mood: sentimental
Inspiration: “The Rain Song” by Led Zeppelin

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 4.15 – Best Day Ever
Hard Bonus: Use four animal or bird sounds (catfish, geese, cows, blue jays)
Easy Bonus: Include a river near you (Potomac River)



Red dusk is oblivious
to the catbird’s plaintive cries.
Twilight sighs and shivers
beneath the dappled skies.

Clouds morph on the horizon,
jeweled tones in refracting light.
Half moon rises slowly
beaming in the young night.

Venus makes an entrance
as the sun begins to set.
Pinpoint stars appearing
in fields of black velvet.

Throw another log on
and let the flames rise higher.
Stoke the glowing embers
of passion and desire.

We sip our wine in darkness,
feeling peaceful, slightly high.
Jazz notes floating in mid-air,
holding hands, just you and I.

Alone beneath the shooting stars,
with fireflies to light the way.
Out here we are oblivious
and where we’d rather stay.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
May 27, 2023

Happy Saturday! Well it is Writer’s Choice week, where we can let our muses run wild and write to our heart’s content. Sometimes this is actually harder, believe it or not. This poem was once again inspired by a line in the Outlander book I am reading. “The night shivered.” It stuck in my mind as I was reading on Friday, and I knew it was going to form the basis of my poem.

Last night was so beautiful that after my 6 mile run, we decided to have a spontaneous firepit up in our back yard. We packed up our favorite wine, some glasses, flashlights and the makings of s’mores.  I brought along my iPad and Anker speaker, and we listened to some mellow songs and cool jazz that just make you melt into the Adirondack chairs. One of these songs was “Lighthouse” by Patrick Watson, which is so beautifully inspiring.

High on our west facing ridge, we get an incredibly beautiful view of the sunset, and then can watch as the planets, moon and stars make their appearance. It was just glorious, the colors were so jewel toned and beautiful, and the fire was a gorgeous dance of orange and gold flames.

It had been a relatively cool day so I had 2 layers on, and took my warm shawl along, as the temperature was dropping. Despite the coolness, fireflies were blinking and bats were swooping. I took videos that had some incredible birdsong, the catbirds seem to be the most vocal at night as they settle in. Their chatter always makes me smile. A pair of deer curiously watched us from the top of our property, and ventured closer as they became comfortable. I am always grateful for this time in nature.

I roasted marshmallows and made s’mores for Dan and myself. Have you noticed recently that they are making the giant marshmallows flat now? I can only presume this is on purpose, for making s’mores? Or maybe my bag just got flattened – but it seemed all the bags were the same at the grocery store!

Anway, it was such a relaxing and beautiful night that I didn’t want to end. If I were more adventurous, I would love to sleep under the stars. But I’m not a camper or even a “glamper,” and I would probably get freaked out by some rogue animal and go screaming into the house, haha.

So this poem is simply about a beautiful night spent by the fire with my love, where we basked in the beauty of nature and literally felt oblivious to the demands of the world beyond our backyard. Such a wonderful feeling we plan to revisit often this summer. I wish you all a peaceful, relaxing Memorial Day weekend.

xoxo Colleen

Mood: Romantic
Inspiration: “Lighthouse” by Patrick Watson

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 47.14 Topic: Writers Choice – Oblivious
Hard Bonus: WC – Include a line from an Outlander book (“The night shivered.” – I paraphrased it a bit haha)
Easy Bonus: WC – Incorporate the planet Venus

Promises, Promises

Promises, Promises

Promises of a pink morning sky,
a resplendent sun breaking dawn.
White clouds of hope rise up so high
we are born, we live and pass on.

Some promises never come true
when hardship and sadness abound.
A tall pile of bills overdue,
teardrops falling upon the ground.

Promises of husband and wife
tempered with blessings and sorrow.
A curve in the circle of life,
a winding path for tomorrow.

Few promises are meant to last,
even when made with great renown.
When deception and lies are cast,
strong foundations come tumbling down.

Promises are safest in my dreams,
drifiting free in the galaxy.
Riding high on errant moonbeams,
finding peace for eternity.

Colleen  Keller Breuning © 202
April 22, 2023

Happy Saturday, all! I hope you are having a great weekend so far. I was a little rushed to write this, and for some reason had a hard time making this poem come together. I just started pondering on the meaning of promises throughout my life, or the different promises others may experience. How I have kept my end of a promise and been badly burned at times, or how promises just sort of erode without intention or malice. I’ve grown older, maybe a bit wiser and all I can say is “C’est la vie.” That’s life.

My week has been busy, but a good kind of busy. At my accounting firm YHB, we celebrated the April 18 tax deadline at a local Winchester brewery. It was a lovely early evening, spent raising a toast to good work done, and another tax season behind us. The rest of the week has been a flourish of activities, and I spent yesterday trading in my car (a process which I absolutely hate – anyone out there feel the same)?

Today was fun, we had a spur of the moment Girl’s Day! I went thrifting with my sister Sarah and her girls Cami and Quinn. We drove into Leesburg to buy vinyl at Dig Records, then had a quick lunch at Puccio’s Deli across the street. It was pouring, so we decided to head back to Purcellville and hit a few more thrift stores. In additional to some great $3, $5 and $8 albums, I snagged a new side desk for my home office, a cool pair of antique iron floor candleholders, and a silverplated scalloped serving plate. We had such a great time.

All the rain today was very needed, but it is making me sleepy, so I’m planning to curl up with a glass of wine in front of the tv soon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Mood: Wistful
Inspiration: “I Promise” by Radiohead

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 42.14 Topic: Promises, Promises
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a line or lyric from “The Lion King” movie or musical (The Circle of Life)

Easy Bonus: Include a pile of bills

Sensuality of Spring

Sensuality of Spring

Step into nature and behold
the winter’s secrets left untold.
The turning of the season brings
the sensuality of spring.

Pink and chartreuse buds are sprouting,
doves are cooing, bluejays shouting.
Soon the butterfly spreads its wings,
the sensuality of spring.

The wind whips up and raindrops fall
instilling peace and sense of awe,
as choir of woodland creatures sing
the sensuality of spring.

Step into nature and behold
the sensuality of spring.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
April 15, 2023

Good morning! I wrote this this morning as a light rain fell outside. The temperature is warmer and spring is in full bloom. All around in my backyard, spring is alive. My beautiful hydrangea are sprouting beautiful chartreuse buds. These two hydrangea bushes are my best garden success, and I adore the huge softball sized flowers that sprout cream color and turn to a dusky pink in September. They are actually trees now – close to 20 feet tall and about to approach my upstairs bathroom window.

Hydrangeas have become my favorite flower. I think we got lucky and just happened to plant them in their happy place where they can thrive. I have failed at planting other hybrid blue and purple hydrangeas in other spots in the backyard, only to be burnt up by the blazing afternoon sun. This is the only northern spot where they can bask in the morning sun and shaded the rest of the day. And they have taken over the entire north side of the house, so there’s no room for more. If anyone has other suggestions on hydrangea care and placement, I’m all ears.

I am missing my Kwanzen Cherry trees and their gorgeous pink blossoms, both of which perished in the last few years. One was injured by a lawn mower mishap and died a slow death, the other was blown over in a windstorm two years ago. Dan has agreed we need to buy another one, so we will do that soon but won’t see the blossoms until next year.  

Easter was so much fun – all of my siblings and Mom together at our house for a lovely gathering. I still haven’t posted pics yet, as I have been super busy at work with tax extensions. I will try to post this weekend. I did miss the grandkids dearly, though. I send them specially made Easter baskets each year, filled with non-perishable candy, treats, clothes and Easter trinkets. We FaceTimed this week as they opened up the baskets, and they were so excited. It brings me great joy to see them so happy!

Have a lovely weekend, friends and family. Enjoy the beautiful comforts of spring that you find in nature.

xoxo Colleen

Mood: Enchanted
Inspiration: “Life” by Ludovico Einaudi

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 41.14 Topic: Easter Basket
Hard Bonus: Include a quote about Easter or spring (“the sensuality of spring”)
Easy Bonus: Mention the color “chartreuse”