Cast Away

"Wild Dolphins at Sunrise" by Kirstenre@DeviantArt © 2011

Cast Away

The rising sun and clouds play hide and seek
On a sailcloth of multi-colored skies.
As I trace the patterns of the dawn,
Inspiration is unfolding before my eyes.

Rambunctious dolphins frolic in the tide,
As breakers roll and kiss the ragged shore.
The cry of seagulls shatters my reverie,
Leaving my wounded spirit wanting more.

I am drawn here by fragrance of the sea,
Reflections in the water calm my fears.
My heart fills up with joy, my soul imbued,
My worries fading in a trail of tears.

The wind picks up and dances through my hair,
Gently ruffling the fronds of palm trees.
The essence of a higher power prevails,
Whispering my name upon the breeze.

The sun ascends, spreading a golden glow,
Its warm fingers upon my barren skin.
I cast away my troubles to blue waters,
Soothing the turmoil stirring deep within.

Colleen M. Breuning © 2011
November 10, 2011

Ode to Elly

Blogophilia 50.3 Topic: “There is no “I” in Team”

Bonus Points:

(Hard, 2pts):  mention a Maya Angelou quote
(Easy, 1pt) : incorporate a unique use for honey

Final date to post: February 12th, 2011 GMT midnight
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: February 15th, 2011 GMT midnight


Ode to Elly

I read the news and sat motionless for hours,
Staring out the window at the sky black as coal.
I searched in vain for solace, words of wisdom…
As pangs of sorrow echoed through my soul.

She painted passionate portraits with her quill,
A songbird’s cry, whispering lovers who part.
Her words are the honey that soothes the sting
They hold together the broken pieces of our hearts.

Now our heads bow down in silent prayer,
Hot tears melding with the gentle winter rain.
Hear her tender voice wafting in the breeze…
Filling us with warm comfort, easing the pain.

She is an angel in funky boots watching over us all,
Surely as the fading sun sets and distant planets spin.
She sails on in dark skies, ever dancing on moonbeams…
Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.

Colleen M. Breuning © 2011
February 11, 2011

I was all set to let Tommy take the helm this week and write a funny blog.  That was, until I woke up this morning and went through my usual habit of checking the Facebook feed.  It was so early I had not even had my first cup of coffee.  I was directed over to a Myspace Blog written by my dear friend Lainey, where I read the heartbreaking news that our beloved friend Elly Funky Boots had passed away of lung cancer on Tuesday, February 8.  I was, quite simply, stunned…. and deeply saddened.

To all of the writers who knew her on Myspace, Elly Funky Boots was a sweet, compassionate woman with a heart of gold and a very talented pen.  More than that, she had a wicked sense of humor and was a real friend to everyone she encountered.  She was an integral part of the CPC and Harmony Pub blogs, and she truly was one of those people who believed that there was no “I” in Team. She collaborated with fellow poets, encouraged fledgling writers and even hosted poetic challenges at different venues at Myspace during the blogging heydays.

I had the privilege to get to know Elly a little better in 2009, when she became a featured poet at my e-zine Blue Turtle Crossing.  She was very gracious and generous, basically granting me full access to her blogs to pick and choose from the many delightful offerings of her poetry.  She was intensely private, preferring to only go by her pen name of Elly.  I had prod her a little to allow her to let me publish a photograph of her on the site, as she was a very modest lady who preferred to let her adorable, wild “funky boots” avatars set her apart from all the rest.

I never even knew that her real name was Patty until today.  Rest in peace, dearest Patty.  You will be missed, my dear friend.

Marvin, the Maya Angelou quote I used is:

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.”

Also ~ I will send in my secret bonus points separately this week, as I do not want to detract from the serious nature of this blog.

HUGS and LOVE to all my friends who knew and loved Elly!