

Twilight calling
scent of jasmine in the air
starlight falling
silver strands upon my hair.

You take my hand
pull me close against your chest
love is dawning
my fretful spirit cannot rest.

See the ambient moon rising
high up in the night
and my heart aches for freedom
to dance in the amber light
to spread my wings and take flight
holding on
until dawn
when we rise with the sun
breathe in the fresh air
floating on the clouds without a care.

And I’m weightless…
weightless in your arms
weightless in your arms
shelter me from harm.

Venus shining
passion puts us in a trance
swaying to and fro
captivated by romance.

Evening is long
filled with the mockingbird’s song
tender lips graze
wash away the tears and wrongs.

See the ambient moon rising
high up in the night
and my heart aches for freedom
to dance in the amber light
to spread my wings and take flight
holding on
until dawn
when we rise with the sun
breathe in the fresh air
floating on the clouds without a care.

And I’m weightless…
weightless in your arms
weightless in your arms
shelter me from harm.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
May 21, 2022

It’s been a very long time since I have written. Lots of things were keeping me in a writer’s block of sorts the past few months …. a new job, busy tax season, the sudden death of Dan’s brother, dealing with grief and other life changes. As a result, I got out of the habit of keeping true to my Friday morning writing schedule. I really miss our Blogophilia group, that kept me on track. I miss our interactions and find myself on social media a lot less these days. I hope to get back to my writing weekly, even if it’s a simple haiku.

Here’s a little song, lighter than what I’ve been feeling lately. Here’s to love….

xoxo Colleen

Inspiration: “Serenade” by Emiliana Torrini
Mood: Wistful



I dreamt I was a hummingbird
Pursuing melodies unheard.
Borne on the wind, so wild and free…
In search of my true destiny.

My silken wings carry me far
Beyond the moon and shining stars,
Above the weeping willow trees…
In search of my true destiny.

Cool waters beckon me to land,
Reflections cast upon the strand.
I looked, but all I saw was me…
In search of my true destiny.

I dreamt I was a hummingbird
In search of my true destiny.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
March 3, 2022

From a real dream that I had a few weeks ago… very vivid colors and fantasy-like! I love when I can remember those kinds of dreams. That first line was rolling around in my head this whole time and I figured I better write it down soon or I’d forget it!!

Check out my spoken word version of “Hummingbird”
Mood: Elated
Inspiration: Hans Zimmer “Cornfield Chase”

Caged Bird

Caged Bird

When daylight turns to darkness
Gray clouds of despair take wing
Shrouded in fear and sorrow
The caged bird cannot sing.

Drained of joy and self-regard
Feeling beat down, chained, confined
One step forward, two steps back
Dark thoughts tumble through my mind.

Don’t use your words as weapons
You have no power over me
Don’t try to crush my spirit
This caged bird will be free.

An angel comes to visit
In the shadows of the night
Releasing guilt and bondage
And the caged bird takes flight.

Step out of the cold darkness
Spread your wings and soar so high
A slave no more, flying free
Like a diamond in the sky.

Don’t use your words as weapons
You have no power over me
Don’t try to crush my spirit
This caged bird is finally free.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2021
October 8, 2021

I wrote this poem for the Instagram group Her Growth Collective, @hergrowthcollective. I decided to combine the topics from the last two weeks – “Self-Regard” and “Guilt.” I had been working on this poem/song lyric for about a week. Tying in these prompts brought it all together.

Do you have low self-esteem or self-regard? Do you suffer from intense feelings of guilt?

I sure do! In fact, I think these two things tend to go hand-in-hand. I have a very bad habit of putting myself down, being hyper critical of myself or minimizing my thoughts and emotions. I can also remember always having this burning sense of guilt over something I did or did not do, even as a young child.

I am not sure if something happened in my childhood to cause this, perhaps being raised a strict Catholic and/or going to a Catholic school with nuns driving down this sense of guilt, shame and self-loathing. More likely it’s merely an inherited personality trait. These feelings intensified as I became an adult and multiplied exponentially once I became a mother. I think we all tend to put ourselves last, especially mothers. Self-care becomes an unreachable dream that we never seem to be able to achieve or make time for. It is always last on the to-do list.

Just one week ago, I left a job and organization which I truly loved after 8 years of dedication…. I will spare the details, but I had to make the choice to leave for personal reasons. It had simply become necessary for my survival. I finally had to put the oxygen mask on myself and practice self-care.  Not to sound dramatic, but I am still in the early stages of decompressing. A plethora of emotions are swirling inside me, but I am finally free of certain things that had become extremely unhealthy and toxic to me personally. I am breathing easier and taking time for myself without any fears. I know my own self-worth and nobody else dictates that. I know that I deserve this. No need to feel guilty for finally taking care of myself first.

We all deserve to live a life free of emotional bondage. If you are suffering from low self-esteem or guilt that you can pinpoint on one thing in your life, do yourself a favor. Be kind to yourself. Set yourself free.

Colleen M. Breuning © 2021
October 8, 2021

Mood: Calm, Introspective
Music Inspiration: Olafur Arnalds “Only the Winds”

Butterfly Piano

Butterfly Piano

by fingers
gently stroking
black and ivory
sweet music sets us free
crimson blood thrums in our veins
as intangible passions stir
on wings of enchanted butterfly
resonating in hollows of my heart
take me to this place of serenity
your wings cover mine, softly guide me
chills down my spine, the song begins
our spirits take flight at dusk
delicate pas de deux
as two souls entwine
let each note
light the

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2021
September 14, 2021

Mood: Golden Butterflies by Ludovico Einaudi

Grasshoppers, Dolphins and Eagles

Grasshoppers, Dolphins and Eagles

or go

the question
to be answered
I look to the skies
searching for harmony
but I see clouds of discord
anxiety builds up inside
and suddenly, I want to break free
like grasshoppers jumping in fields of green
like dolphins swimming in the azure sea
I want to soar in crystal blue skies
I want to fly like an eagle
let my spirit carry me

to a place where peace dwells
a place where hope thrives
and we can feel
peace and love
for all

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2021
January 8, 2021

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 44.13 Topic: Stay or Go
Hard Bonus (2 points): Use a Lyric from a Song with the name of an Animal in the Title
  (“I want to fly like an eagle, let my spirit carry me” from Fly Like an Eagle by Steve Miller Band)
Easy Bonus (1 Point): Incorporate a Strange Food (Grasshoppers)

Secret Bonus Phrases:

Pic of the Week

1.  Writer’s block
2.  Old School Computer
3.  Typing School
4.  Vintage Royal Typewriter
5.  The editor’s desk
6.  Journal time
7.  Writer’s choice
8.  Organizational skills
9.  Tools of the writing trade
10.  Starting the new year with a clean slate

Topic:  Tyler   Pic:  Dahlia



Shenandoah National Park – Colleen Breuning © 2015


Treacherous winds blow
Cold drifts in a field of snow
Dreams of long ago

Something is amiss
I need more in life than this
Searching for true bliss

As the seasons change
Leaves strip away, rearrange
O’er the mountain range

Giving up the fight
Anguish deep in the black night
Dark spirit take flight

Hopes and dreams combust
As my ashes turn to dust
And silent tears rust

Angel, take me far
To a waiting distant star
Free of hurt and scars

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2015
November 3, 2015