Bloody Lane

Bloody Lane

I gaze in silence at the moon
in the distance, a haunting tune
but sometimes things aren’t what they seem
in this garden of broken dreams.

The music drowned out by thunder
clash of cavalry down under
echoes of battle cries and screams
in this garden of broken dreams.

They perished on Antietam fields
piled high in bloody lane, no shields
no tombstones for this dead regime
in this garden of broken dreams.

I gaze in silence at the moon
in this garden of broken dreams.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
May 31, 2024

Hello, a quick Kyrielle sonnet this Friday evening. It’s been a short week due to Memorial Day holiday, but the workweek felt long.

The weekly writing challenge had me immediately thinking of our beloved Antietam Battlefield. I grew up in Washington County, Maryland and took frequent jaunts to the battlefield with my family when I was younger. My grandmother Ellen Christ Keller had a great uncle (I believe?) Benjamin Christ, who fought in the Battle of Antietam. It seems to me there was either a memorial or statue of him along one of the roads, I vividly recall driving down those old roads one hot summer day with Dad searching for it. I remember taking Katie there back in the 2000’s when we came up to Maryland for a summer visit, and she was quite fascinated by the stories of Antietam. Bloody Lane, Dunker Church, Lookout Tower and Burnside Bridge were always my favorites. So much history and stark tragedy, so many lives lost there in the deadliest battle of the Civil War. It is said that Antietam is haunted, often smelling of smoke and gunpowder at random times.

Since moving back to Virginia, Dan and I have visited both Antietam and Gettysburg Battlefields, two of the most famous battlefields in Civil War history. It literally sends chills down your spine, walking the grounds and imagining the horrors of what transpired all those years ago. Over twenty two thousand perished at Antietam, many on Bloody Lane. It was considered the deadliest battle in American history. It’s really cool that we are enjoying exploring the historic side of things at this point in our lives. We’re hoping to make some short trips to some other spots in the coming years.

We’re going to a graduation party for my niece tomorrow, so it will be fun getting together with family. And it’s supposed to be a beautiful day for a change, on the weekend. I’ll take it! Have a lovely weekend, all!


Mood: Sentimental
Inspiration: “1812 Overture” by Tchaikovsky
I know this is a different war than the Civil War, but my Dad used
to play this a lot for us growing up – incredible memories.

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 48.15 – Garden of Broken Dreams
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a Civil War battlefield (Antietam)
Easy Bonus: Mention a tombstone

The Awakening

The Awakening

Clouds fill the periwinkle skies
with power, corruption and lies.
A darkness overtakes the sun…
the awakening has begun.

Time to stop this insanity
of war, hate and hostility.
Agenda with a loaded gun…
the awakening has begun.

We can start all over again,
mend broken wings and ease the pain.
Let’s heal the damage that was done…
the awakening has begun.

Clouds fill the periwinkle skies…
the awakening has begun.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
April 19, 2024

Greetings everyone! I’m dropping this poem on a Friday, as it has been a busy week and the weekend will be even busier. This is just a quick sonnet inspired by the power, corruption and lies prompt, as all three have run rampant. It feels as if we are teetering precariously on the edge of a cliff. We desperately need a positive change of direction for our country, which has become weakened and destroyed by what is going on of late. I’m pretty sad to see this happen in my lifetime, and it is scary for the future of our kids and grandkids. *sigh*

We are enjoying our time with the nuggets here in Virginia! Katie, Brenton, Posie and Hatcher arrived Wednesday. Yesterday was a beautiful day, we enjoyed sitting in the sun at the wineries, taking in the mountain views and feeding the ducks. We are keeping the kids for the weekend while Katie and Brenton drive to Richmond for a wedding. I Today is rainy, so we stayed local and took the kids to Chik-Fil-A for chicken nuggets and playtime. Later it will be pizza making and a Friday night dance party in the music room. It’s been so wonderful to see them play with Katie’s old toys in the basement, and so much fun doing activities with them. Love it!

All my life I have felt like a jack of trades and master of none, is that a good or bad thing? I have learned to do so many different things:  dabbling in poetry, writing, photography, music, website design, coding, accounting, HR, etc. I am content that I have learned much over the years, yet I don’t really consider myself a master of anything.  On second thought, maybe that is an advantage. I don’t know, but it is who I am and I have no regrets!

And now my Nanny Bee duties call… I’m off to give the nuggets a bath in the big master tub! Have a great weekend, all!


Mood: Awake
Inspiration: “Mediate” by INXS

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 42.15 – Jack of All Trades
Hard Bonus: Incorporate power, corruption and lies in your blog
Easy Bonus: Include a lyric or song title by Gloria Gaynor (“Broken Wings” & “We Can Start All Over Again”)

Sonnet for the Coffee Lovers

Sonnet for the Coffee Lovers

Ah, behold that first morning cup
Hot java with cream, drink it up
Wizard potion to start the day…
Chase those blues and doldrums away.

Caffeine bolts and jolts through my veins
Soaring high, dancing in the rain
I’m aiming straight for clouds of gray…
Chase those blues and doldrums away.

With one more sip, you’ll be smiling
Mind atwitter, eyes beguiling
Set to tackle what comes my way…
Chase those blues and doldrums away.

Ah, behold that first morning cup…
Chase those blues and doldrums away.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
April 13, 2024

Happy Late Saturday afternoon! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend. It is beautiful, but we have been experiencing VERY high winds here in Northern VA the past two days.

This week I was the ultimate procrastinator when it came to writing, but I have good reasons. It’s the final days of tax season, I’m working full-time, and stress is the name of the game this time of year. I’ve also been trying to get the house ready and pantry stocked for my little nuggets when they arrive this Wednesday. Oh man, I can hardly wait to see Posie and Hatcher! I’ve stocked up on hula hoops, frisbees, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, koosh balls, kickballs, magna tiles, Hot Wheels, and of course, all their favorite snacks! As Katie said, they are going to have so much fun at Nanny Bee camp! We plan to take them to parks, to visit family in Maryland, go to Great Country Farms, have a backyard firepit with S’mores, visit the Otium winery cats… and just hang out in the backyard with them.

This was a fun, whimsical Kyrielle sonnet to write, and I really loved the topic this week. Anyone who knows me really well, knows that I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!  I do not like getting up at the crack of dawn for work, as I am more of a night owl. I don’t even hit my stride until about 2 pm each day. I can work until 10 at night, no problem. Unfortunately, I have to work a 9-5, but I am quite fortunate that my job allows me the flexibility to start a little later, I just make up for it by staying at the office later than everyone else (which I don’t mind, it’s kind of how I roll). This has been a true godsend for this night owl, lol!

Here is a little advice: don’t even bother trying to start a conversation with me in the morning unless I have had at LEAST my first morning cup. I am just plain slow in the morning. I won’t snap at you, but I am not quite as chipper when I first roll out of bed. In fact, I probably won’t hear, remember or respond much to what you are yapping about. Just ask Dan LOL. Intense, deep morning conversations tend to give me anxiety. Add that on top of the fact that I’m not a big breakfast person – I don’t do breakfast meetings, and I don’t even really like eating breakfast out while on vacation. Why, you ask? Because that means I have to hurry up and get ready bla bla bla to go to a morning event I do not even like, thereby increasing my anxiety exponentially. All I need is my faithful friend – a robust, strongly brewed BIG cup of coffee, or two or three –  and a slice of toast to ease me gently into every single morning at home, alone. And yep, I like a lot of creamer and a little sweetener with my coffee. Not to worry, by late morning your girl is ramped up and ready to go!

So that is what this little ditty is about, the NEED for a delicious cup of coffee and my own personal ritual at my own pace to start the day. The best part of waking up is coffee in MY cup! What about you, do you need that first morning cup to even think about adulting each day? Haha, I’d love to hear! Have a great weekend filled with coffee and fun!

Xoxo, Colleen

Mood: Mellow
Inspiration: “Cafe 1930” by Astor Piazolla

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 41.15 – The First Morning Cup
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by Van Morrison  (“dancing in the rain,”
“you’ll be smiling” & “eyes beguiling”)
Easy Bonus: Mention wizard potions

Plea to Virgo

Plea to Virgo

I see it written in the stars,
in glow of Virgo from afar,
a message from moon of mercy…
a promise for eternity.

Fear and discontent taint the night;
the time is now to make things right.
Show us the path to destiny…
a promise for eternity.

Time and seasons will pass you by,
as hopes and dreams melt in the sky.
Goddess of justice, hear my plea…
a promise for eternity.

I see it written in the stars,
a promise for eternity.

Colleen Keller Breuning
March 9, 2024

Good morning, Happy Saturday. This Kyrielle sonnet reflects the mood of the week. It was steered by the challenge prompts, combining  Virgo, goddess of justice, and Yes lyrics. Side note: Yes is one of my all-time favorite 70’s progressive genre band I’ve been following since I was 13 years old!

*RANT INCOMING* I have a lot going on in my life, a lot on my mind lately. I tend to worry excessively and obsess over things not in my control, which has led to major anxiety in my life. It is extremely hard to find peace in the midst of storms, and that is kind of where I am at writing this. Writing helps purge my soul of the anxiety that builds up inside.

Today I worry about the state of our country and our planet. I worry about what our future holds, not just personally but mankind in general. Things are so terrible right now:  inflation, cost of living, crime, border invasion, war, fentanyl deaths, corruption, divisiveness… There is an endless list of problems that grows by the day. Everything seems to be spiraling out of control. I don’t know how young families are making it in this day and age. The cost of living is at an all-time high, and wages aren’t keeping pace. People can’t get ahead, and as a result, credit card debt is at an all-time high. It is hard to fathom how we can sustain this. I had hoped I would be able to retire at age 64 or 65, but like many people my age, that looks extremely unlikely in the near future. I am blessed to have a wonderful job, so I’ll hang on for a few more years.

Here is my plea to Virgo and all in the universe: Open your eyes and see for yourself what is really happening in the state of our world. Things are getting progressively worse by the day. Something must change or we will not survive! Okay, I feel a little better now. *RANT OVER*

My wish for you on this rainy Saturday is peace and a better tomorrow. I love you all!


Mood: Blue
Inspiration: “Natural Blues” by Moby

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 36.15 – The Promise of Stars
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by the band Yes (“Melt in the sky” and “seasons will pass you by”)
Easy Bonus: Mention a constellation (Virgo)

Washed Out to Sea

Washed Out to Sea

I sit upon the craggy rocks
Fluffy white clouds float by in flocks
The past, a distant memory
As the tide washes out to sea.

My heart feels hollow, left behind
Tears of sorrow render me blind
Whispers to heaven, fervent plea
As the tide washes out to sea.

Take me with you, far and away
To golden fields and jasmine sway
Our haven for eternity
As the tide washes out to sea.

I sit upon the craggy rocks
As the tide washes out to sea.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2024
February 10, 2024

Hello everyone – hope you are having a great week! This was Writer’s Choice Week in Blogophilia, so I could write as my heart desired.

Next week marks the 21st Anniversary of my father’s passing; he died of lung cancer on February 17, 2003. This poem is dedicated to him. The pain of losing him will never, ever go away. Dad was a “gentle giant” and my protector. He was the strong and silent one who was always looking out for me during my life, even when I didn’t want him to. Everyone loved and gravitated to him, especially babies and children. He was an inspiration for all his five children, and countless grandchildren. I miss his comforting presence, his voice, his hugs, his sense of humor, his hearty laugh, his love for life. I even miss his funny, prolific sneezes (he could sneeze like 15 times in a row)! Dad was a great cook, a bird nerd and a music lover, which I believe all of us kids inherited from him. For some reason, the past few weeks I have found myself thinking of him at the end of the day and releasing a few tears. He died far too young at the age of 68, and we all wish we had more time with him.

That said, I am instead trying to focus on the beautiful memories and the blessings that I have received from Dad throughout my life, which are plentiful. Some of the best memories I have are just of BEING with him…. going to work at the rail yards, playing ball in the backyard, watching the fireworks from our playroom window, summer nights sitting on the front porch, listening to music, watching hockey, driving trips, rocking on hotel porch chairs simply watching and listening to the ocean… He may not have been perfect, as we are all flawed in some way, but he was the perfect Dad for me. I miss you and love you, Daddy!

May you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day – remember to cherish those you love, and always take the opportunity to show them and tell them how much you love them!!! ❤


Mood: Sad
Inspiration: “Dear Father” by Neil Diamond – Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Dad’s favorite

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 32.15 – WRITER’S CHOICE – Washed Out
Hard Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Include your favorite flower (jasmine)
Easy Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Incorporate floating clouds

Dreams of The Wildflower

Dreams of the Wildflower

like warm winds
that carry me
in the deep of night
colors swirl in my mind
as I drift into the void
I have a strange dream about you
purple paisleys and blue stars morphing
as we dance beneath the smoldering sun
lips graze and I blossom beneath your touch
like a wildflower springing to life
and I’ve never been so happy
pure love pulses through my veins
but where do our dreams go
when life brings you down
I hold them close
in my heart

Colleen Keller Breuning ©2024
January 20, 2024

Hello, friends and family! This poem was inspired by some vivid, colorful dreams that I experienced during my bout with COVID back in the fall. I remember seeing beautiful swirling purple paisleys and blue stars as I closed my eyes and drifted off. I was so sick and on several meds including an anti-viral, but the dreams were so weird and delightful. I’m really not sure if the disease or the medication caused these dreams!

We got about 6 more inches of snow yesterday, and it was a very soft, powdery snow. I have been working long hours again this week and did not get a chance to go out in the snow until this afternoon. Dan and I bundled up and braved the 18-degree temps for a long walk around the lake. The skies were a crisp blue, and the snow sparkled like crystals when the sun hit. A large part of the shaded western edge of the lake had frozen, and geese were walking on the ice. It felt so refreshing to get outside and breathe the frigid air. It cleared my mind and allowed me to bask in the winter beauty.

Here’s one of the funny points of our week… Dan had to perform an emergency C-Section. On the loveseat. It seems little Bobby got a wild hair on Wednesday night and for some reason, he was able crawl into the innards of the furniture. Dan noticed him struggling, he had somehow squeezed through a tiny opening between the wood frame and up into the back upholstery! He was meowing loudly and hissing out of fear and distress. You could feel him through the furniture and see him moving! We tried every way possible to free him, turning the loveseat upside down, inspecting for an opening, but there was nothing! Finally, it became clear we had to cut it open. Dan retrieved his hunting knife and carefully slit the fabric on the backside. I was able to see Bobby on the other side of the opening and coaxed him out. Then he bolted up the stairs and hid for an hour. We are able to laugh about it now.

Naturally, the cats have been completely obsessed with the loveseat since then, sniffing at it and napping on it. First Dan stuffed the inside with every throw pillow and unused blanket he could find, and sealed it up with – you guessed it – duct tape! Now the poor loveseat has a long, nasty C-Section scar lol. We’ve never had to do something this drastic because of a “stupid pet trick!” The next day one of Dan’s clients told him their kitten got behind the drywall, and they had to cut a huge hole in the wall to get it out! We are just grateful that Bobby didn’t decide to do this shenanigan while we were on our trip to Florida. So, all things considered, it could have been a lot worse. Oh well! We had been talking about replacing the living room furniture soon anyway…. are cat-proof sofas a thing?

I wish you all a lovely weekend! Stay warm and enjoy the beauty of the winter season!



Mood: Peaceful
Inspiration: “Soulmate” by Andrea Vanzo

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 28.15 – Where Do Dreams Go?
Hard Bonus: Include a quote or line from Martin Luther King Jr. (“I have a dream”)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate a wish

Through a Child’s Eyes

Through A Child’s Eyes

This season is most beautiful:
Crackling fireplace, logs for the Yule,
Shining stars glow in black silk skies,
Seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes.

Sugar cookies to bake and eat,
Leaving Santa milk and a treat.
Sparkling lights, angels on high,
Seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes.

Joy’s an arrow straight to the heart
When the day has come to depart.
Hugs and kisses, try not to cry
Seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes.

This season is most beautiful,
Seeing Christmas through a child’s eyes.

Colleen Keller Breuning @ 2023
December 26, 2023

Season’s Greetings, and Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. The spirit certainly moved me this holiday season! This poem was inspired by the magic of seeing Christmas through a small child’s eyes. It has been so long since we have experienced the wonder and joy of it, and we were able to relive the magic this Christmas through our grandchildren Posie and Hatcher. The excitement on Christmas Eve, leaving the cookies and milk for Santa, and a few crispy cookies and carrots for the reindeer was so touching! Poor Posie got hit Christmas morning with a stomach bug, and she was mostly lying on the couch, poor little thing. At times she would rally to open some presents, but you could tell she was not feeling well. She loved the American Girl Bitty Baby that we got her, and Hatcher sure loved his fire truck, cars and monster trucks!

We got to celebrate so many things and make special memories on this leg of the trip: Posie’s first mani/pedicure (which she loved), walking through two amazing Christmas light displays, lunch at Alice’s on the Bay, decorating/banking Christmas cookies, Christmas Eve services, and playing with their new toys. I will never forget how magical it was, and I will cherish each memory.

After five days, it was time to say a tearful goodbye to Katie and both kids (the hardest part for this Nanny Bee). We left Panama City the day after Christmas and drove over 8 hours to Vince and Natalie’s house in Palm City, which is the complete opposite direction to the southeast. Unfortunately, our arrival was further delayed as we got caught in the middle of a Florida turnpike shutdown and sat in traffic for over one hour due to a vehicle that caught fire. But once we got there, we had a few very relaxing days with them, mostly just catching up on life, getting take-out for dinner, working out and watching Sopranos reruns. It was fun in a very different way!

Tonight we are finally back home after a grueling two-day drive from Florida (compared to our very smooth drive down). Friday it seemed that EVERYONE was on the road to somewhere! When I took the wheel for my 3-hour shift on I-95 North, it was basically stop and go the whole way through Georgia and into South Carolina. We had toyed with the idea of driving straight through, but watched the GPS ETA go from 10:45 pm to 2:00 am with very bleary eyes and tired bodies. So we stayed the night in Wilson, North Carolina, got up early and had very smooth travel today. All in all, it was a wonderful trip, but we are glad to be home after 12 days on the road. We both missed the cats, Rudy and Bobby were both so ecstatic that we returned. There’s something to be said about the comforts of home, and right now, my heart is full and content. I am looking forward to a peaceful New Year’s Eve and a joyful, calm 2024. Happy New Year – I wish you all the same!


Mood: Joyful
Inspiration: “Christmas Through Your Eyes” by Gloria Estefan

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 26.15 – Let the Spirit Move You
Hard Bonus: Include a favorite holiday memory
Easy Bonus: Incorporate shining stars

Autumn Descends

Autumn Descends

Autumn descends with clouds and rain,
with harvest crops long gone to grain.
Promise of cool days round the bend…
but summer doesn’t want to end.

Missing the catbird’s plaintive call
as crimson leaves begin to fall.
Sights and sounds of autumn transcend…
but summer doesn’t want to end.

Out of the dark, into the damp
dubious sun shines like dim lamp.
Change is coming, strong winds portend…
but summer doesn’t want to end.

Autumn descends with clouds and rain…
but summer doesn’t want to end.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
September 23, 2023

Happy Autumn Equinox, everyone! My favorite season is finally here! I will miss the lazy summer days lounging by the country club pool and days at the beach, but I welcome the change of each season. We did our last summer fire pit last night. It was lovely sitting by the fire, sipping wine and listening to music. However, it started getting cloudy at the end and the wind was really picking up, blowing smoke all over us. Tropical Storm Ophelia winds were starting to hit. With the storm passing through this afternoon, there is certainly an autumn mood going on.

I love the beauty of all seasons, but autumn seems to invoke all of one’s senses. The golds and crimsons of the leaves, the feel of crisp air, the taste of tart apples, and the smell of cinnamon and pumpkins resonates with me. Because of the severe drought we’ve encountered here in Virginia, it seems the trees are letting go of their leaves earlier. One of our red maples in the backyard never really turned the beautiful colors it usually does – half of it went to brown in early September and dropped some of its leaves already. I guess that is nature’s way of preservation, but it’s kind of a bummer to miss out on the beauty. I am hoping most of my other trees hold on and display some gorgeous colors in October.

This week the change in the air was quite evident, a touch of coolness which felt so nice. I’m missing the catbirds, though! They seemed to have disappeared within the last week. I took a lot of comfort in their calls at different times of the day, as they made their home in our giant hydrangea bushes on the side of the house. The cats were pretty entertained by them, too. At the same time, the hummingbirds made their appearance on my front porch, to my amazement! I had kind of neglected their feeder most of the summer, never really seeing any in action. One morning I went out to water my geraniums on the porch, and I heard a loud buzzing by my head. YES, it was a hummingbird who was dive bombing me and telling me to clean the feeder! I took it inside, washed it thoroughly and mixed up a fresh batch of nectar. He was literally buzzing to and fro, from oak tree to feeder as I stood there. I was absolutely thrilled and obsessing over the little guy. I got some pretty good pictures and video of him. Dan says I am now obsessed haha! I walk by the front window constantly, and he is still visiting as of this morning.

Today we are staying inside and doing some cleaning around the house. The Florida State/Clemson game is on – go Seminoles! We’re supposed to get more rain/winds from the tropical storm tonight, so that is always indicative of a good chance of power outages in our neighborhood. I’ve got the fall scented candles ready to go, and of course, lots of wine!

Enjoy the delights of autumn and have a great weekend!


Mood: Instrospective
Inspiration: “By the Roes and By the Hinds of the Field” By Johann Johannsson

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 12.15 – Summer’s End
Hard Bonus: Feature something dubious (the sun)
Easy Bonus: Mention a lamp

Just Like the Stars

Just Like the Stars

She rose with the dawn, spreading smiles,
Laughter and song carried for miles.
Her voice, a beacon from afar…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

She danced across the astral planes,
Neptune’s fog and Jupiter rains.
Twirling beyond Venus and Mars…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

Cold silence broke deep in the night,
Nothing could ever dim her light.
Fragile beauty, branded with scars…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

She rose with the dawn, spreading smiles…
Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
August 18, 2023

Happy Friday! And this week it is Writer’s Choice week in Blogophilia, the writing group I belong to! That means we can choose our own prompts and pictures as inspiration to write.

Honestly, I don’t even know where this came from this evening. I was sitting here after dinner, listening to some ambient music, trying to get some inspiration for a poem. Usually all it takes is music or a lyric to get my imagination going. I scrolled through some memorable lyrics I have written down from many years of blogging and I came across the Lyle Lovett lyric “Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.” I just ran with that lyric and crafted a Kyrielle Sonnet around it.

This imaginary girl in my poem is an optimist and a dreamer, who gets beat down in her life. No matter what happened to her, she rose to overcome the difficulties. Her eyes were always bright in the darkness, and her light could never be dimmed no matter what she went through. I believe all of us have this little girl (or little boy) inside of us. Perhaps we have faced difficulties in life that have scarred us or dampened our will to carry on. But we have those scars to remind us how strong we are, what we have been through, the battles we have endured, and proof of how resilient the human soul really is.

Wow, that sounds awfully deep for this poem that sounds like someone just dancing aimlessly through the galaxy without a care in the world! Well, that is where imagination and dreams come in… we need those in our lives, as an escape from harsh realities. It’s kind of like when you just go outside at night and sit and stare at the moon and stars. Don’t you feel a sense of serenity, or that you are one with the universe? It helps to settle down the anxiety when you realize that even though you are but a speck in the universe, you are NOT alone. Well, it is very meditative for me!

So go ahead — dream on, dance through the galaxy, and always keep your eyes as bright as the stars, my dear ones!


Mood: Peaceful
Inspiration: “A Melody” by Ralph Zurmühle

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 7.15 – Resilience (Writer’s Choice)
Hard Bonus: Write a Kyrielle Sonnet (Writer’s Choice)
Easy Bonus: Use a Lyle Lovett lyric “Her eyes were bright, just like the stars.” (Writer’s Choice)



I believe in love at first sight,
My furry little feline sprite.
In your shelter cage, full of glee…
My heart you stole eternally.

Mood swings from funny to fickle:
Playful, puckish, in a pickle.
Blind luck? I call it destiny…
My heart you stole eternally.

I held you close that fateful day
And helped your spirit sail away.
Chase that rainbow, finally free…
My heart you stole eternally.

I believe in love at first sight…
My heart you stole eternally.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
February 11, 2023

This was written for Tommy Breuning, my furry soulmate who died from lymphoma on September 12, 2020. He was 15 years old. He was my animal spirit, my furry soulmate, and he completely stole my heart from that very first day. Here is the story of how we met in 2005.

It was September 11, 2005. We were on a mission to rescue a cat. There had been a huge influx of stranded kittens into Florida from Louisiana, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Kate and I went down to the Broward Humane Society, and it was jam packed with folks wanting to adopt the plethora of dogs and cats in need of a home. The local Channel 10 station was even there, covering the news. We had looked at some of the Louisiana rescue kittens, and even stood in a long line to get a chance to meet a few. We held Lucky and another white cat from New Orleans that were from this import, but they were skittish and we really didn’t seem to bond. I knew that we both had to feel something in our hearts, that would be the sign that kitten was the one for us. I was trying to be patient and determined to get the right match.

We went back into the large cat area of the shelter to check out the other kittens waiting for adoption. There at the very back, I spotted him. A little tiger tabby, desperately trying to cover up his poop with a shred of newspaper! He was so tiny and so adorable, and we watched him playing with his little brother behind the glass. His name was “Titus” from the Rome mini-series. It was most definitely love at first sight! We requested a meet and greet. There the little shelter room, he came to us with hesitation and snuggled up to our necks, purring loudly. He had a very loud kitten voice, and we knew immediately we HAD to adopt him!

It was an easy decision, but now the problem was…. would we get to him in time? Once we filled out the application and put in a bid for “Titus,” we were given a number to officially adopt the kitten. But we quickly discovered there were 90 people ahead of us in that packed waiting room!

Frequently, the shelter workers would call out a number and that person would be so disappointed to learn that the pet they hoped to adopt had already been adopted, sometimes minutes before. Many left disappointed, some children in tears. Katie and I were becoming more anxious as we waited. Would we get to Titus in time?

We chatted with an older couple seated next to us who were much further ahead of us in line. They were hoping to adopt a certain dog. Another family was called up, and their dog was already adopted – the same dog the couple next to us were hoping to adopt. The husband turned to me, stealthily slipping me their ticket and whispered, “Here, take our ticket. Good luck getting your kitten.”

I felt like an outlaw, a cheat, at accepting that ticket and “jumping the line.” But at the same time, I could see the hope and anticipation in Katie’s eyes. The mere thought of not bringing this little boy home was more than I could bear. I knew he was my soulmate, and I just had to have him!

About 10 minutes later, our new ticket number was called out. Katie and I approached the desk, hearts pounding. Our application had been approved…. and Titus was still available. He was ours! Tears misted our eyes as I completed the paperwork and paid the $75 fee. They said they were having a “2 for one” special, I could take another kitten home for the same price. I was very tempted to adopt his brother as well, but I did not want to push my luck and take on too much at once! We could go back and pick him up after his neuter procedure was complete. I always say that was the best $75 I ever spent.

On the drive home, we decided to change his name to Tommy, after my beloved father who had passed away two years prior. Tommy Titan. A perfect name for him! There was an immediate bond after bringing him home. I have so many funny stories and beautiful memories which I will continue to share on this blog. Tommy Breuning became a bit of a social media celebrity. He had his own Facebook page, wrote the infamous “A Tommy Blog” and sparred with his sister Jordan frequently. The Blogophilia writing group seemed to really enjoy when Tommy took over my weekly blog! I miss those Tommy blogs, and I have saved every one of them. Maybe some day I will compile a book of them. There are over 40 of them! Below is a video we created for one of our Blogophiia posts.

There ought to be a law against stealing hearts. Tommy stole mine from the very first day, but I love him eternally for that. Rest in Peace, my sweet Tommy. There will never, ever be another cat quite like you!


Mood: Thoughtful
“The Stowaway ~ A Cat’s Tail” by Colleen Breuning

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 32.14 Topic: There Ought to be a Law
Hard Bonus: Incorporate a quote or line of Sean Connery
Easy Bonus: Use the phrase “in a pickle”