Dreams of The Wildflower

Dreams of the Wildflower

like warm winds
that carry me
in the deep of night
colors swirl in my mind
as I drift into the void
I have a strange dream about you
purple paisleys and blue stars morphing
as we dance beneath the smoldering sun
lips graze and I blossom beneath your touch
like a wildflower springing to life
and I’ve never been so happy
pure love pulses through my veins
but where do our dreams go
when life brings you down
I hold them close
in my heart

Colleen Keller Breuning ©2024
January 20, 2024

Hello, friends and family! This poem was inspired by some vivid, colorful dreams that I experienced during my bout with COVID back in the fall. I remember seeing beautiful swirling purple paisleys and blue stars as I closed my eyes and drifted off. I was so sick and on several meds including an anti-viral, but the dreams were so weird and delightful. I’m really not sure if the disease or the medication caused these dreams!

We got about 6 more inches of snow yesterday, and it was a very soft, powdery snow. I have been working long hours again this week and did not get a chance to go out in the snow until this afternoon. Dan and I bundled up and braved the 18-degree temps for a long walk around the lake. The skies were a crisp blue, and the snow sparkled like crystals when the sun hit. A large part of the shaded western edge of the lake had frozen, and geese were walking on the ice. It felt so refreshing to get outside and breathe the frigid air. It cleared my mind and allowed me to bask in the winter beauty.

Here’s one of the funny points of our week… Dan had to perform an emergency C-Section. On the loveseat. It seems little Bobby got a wild hair on Wednesday night and for some reason, he was able crawl into the innards of the furniture. Dan noticed him struggling, he had somehow squeezed through a tiny opening between the wood frame and up into the back upholstery! He was meowing loudly and hissing out of fear and distress. You could feel him through the furniture and see him moving! We tried every way possible to free him, turning the loveseat upside down, inspecting for an opening, but there was nothing! Finally, it became clear we had to cut it open. Dan retrieved his hunting knife and carefully slit the fabric on the backside. I was able to see Bobby on the other side of the opening and coaxed him out. Then he bolted up the stairs and hid for an hour. We are able to laugh about it now.

Naturally, the cats have been completely obsessed with the loveseat since then, sniffing at it and napping on it. First Dan stuffed the inside with every throw pillow and unused blanket he could find, and sealed it up with – you guessed it – duct tape! Now the poor loveseat has a long, nasty C-Section scar lol. We’ve never had to do something this drastic because of a “stupid pet trick!” The next day one of Dan’s clients told him their kitten got behind the drywall, and they had to cut a huge hole in the wall to get it out! We are just grateful that Bobby didn’t decide to do this shenanigan while we were on our trip to Florida. So, all things considered, it could have been a lot worse. Oh well! We had been talking about replacing the living room furniture soon anyway…. are cat-proof sofas a thing?

I wish you all a lovely weekend! Stay warm and enjoy the beauty of the winter season!



Mood: Peaceful
Inspiration: “Soulmate” by Andrea Vanzo

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 28.15 – Where Do Dreams Go?
Hard Bonus: Include a quote or line from Martin Luther King Jr. (“I have a dream”)
Easy Bonus: Incorporate a wish

Soundtrack of My Life

Soundtrack of My Life

Early in the morning, just before dawn
I stood alone on the rocky shore
pondering sorrows of this world
as I watched the crashing tide
the music hit me hard
washing over me
flooding my veins
with intense
waves of
of hope
filled the air
bringing to mind
treasured memories
the soundtrack of my life
lifted my heart from dark depths
like the sun breaking through the sky
I saw your smiling face in the clouds
comforted you are watching over me.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2023
October 21, 2023

Hello family and friends! I hope everyone is doing well.

I loved the topic in our challenge this week. Music is the soundtrack of my life, and a balm for my soul. It can trigger both good and bad memories, and it affects us so profoundly. Most of the times, I have found it to be completely healing. So many childhood memories come to the surface when I listen to certain classical pieces. My Dad absolutely loved classical music and it seemed to be playing nonstop at our house growing up. This poem is dedicated to him. I miss him profoundly, even after 20 years.  

I have music playing almost 24/7, except when I’m sleeping. Even then, music appears in my dreams! I love pretty much all genres except for country and some rap. About two years ago I subscribed to Apple Music, which is nice, as you access to virtually any song you wish. I love making up Apple playlists for different moods or situations – chill, romantic, 70’s, running, writing inspiration, driving, etc. Classical and ambient music calm me down, and that is usually what I have playing on low volume when I work. For an outdoor run, I have a playlist with a variety of high energy songs that motivates me. I never listen to the radio because I despise commercials, and a playlist eliminates that – plus I love that I can skip through a song I don’t really want to hear. What role does music play in your life?

Next Thursday, I’ll be traveling solo to Florida to spend Halloween with my beautiful grandkids. I can’t wait, I miss them so much! Dan is busy with a project, and I’m grateful to be able to have this time with them. Other than that, life has been feeling a little heavy with all that’s going on in the world. All I can do is pray and try to alleviate my anxieties about what’s going on in this world right now. Music is helping with that, and so will a visit with my loved ones. I wish you all health, peace, love and healing music!


Mood: Reflective
Inspiration: Beethoven ~ “Symphony No. 5”

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 16.15 – When the Music Hits You
Hard Bonus: Use a Flaming Lips lyric (“Early in the morning, just before dawn”; “watched the crashing tide”; “like the sun breaking through the sky”)
Easy Bonus: Include your favorite dog’s name (Rocky – best boxer ever!)

Autumn Girl

Autumn Girl

peeks out
blooming bold
crimson and gold
the season’s new girl
she is naughty and nice
and everything pumpkin spice
her sweet smile reflecting sunlight
she dances on wispy clouds of white
floating through in skies of cornflower blue.
she has found the secret to happiness,  
to be awake is to be alive
to embrace beauty and to thrive
basking in October sun
bees buzzing in chill air
scent of cinnamon
in silken hair
my sassy

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
October 28, 2022

Another quick write on the road! This one is a fun double etheree, kind of like putting together a word puzzle. I was thinking of my daughter Katie as I wrote it, as she is an October girl. ❤

We are having such a wonderful vacation in Florida, and I haven’t had time to be online much at all.  The weather has been sunny, beautiful and very pleasant (though hot at times.) The evening spent at the home of our BFFS Marianne and Brian was wonderful. Disney World with the grandchildren Posie and Hatcher was just so much fun! Lots of wonderful memories made there with the kids. It was so heartwarming to see them meet their favorite Disney characters and watch the parades. We were able to hit 3 of the parks: Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Epcot.  There are a lot of new rides and attractions, as it’s been about 11 years since I was last there. I would have to say that the new Guardians of the Galaxy was the biggest hit. We experienced such an adrenaline rush that afterwards, Dan and I both tripped on the stairs coming down off the ride! Thankfully no injuries sustained from that, but what a weird feeling.

And finally, we are chilling at Vince and Natalie’s home for the rest of the weekend. We did a little fishing this morning, and this afternoon we’re just hanging at their house and relaxing in the sun. It’s a really nice way to end a busy and amazing road trip. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Blogophilia Week 17.14
Topic: Everything Pumpkin Spice
Hard Bonus: Use a line or quote by Henry David Thoreau – “To be awake is to be alive.”
Easy Bonus: Include a “new girl”

Rogue Specters

Rogue Specters

Upon dark clouds did hope depart,
An iceberg dagger to the heart.
Dim shadows lit by fading light…
Rogue specters in the autumn night.

Ten thousand spirits strayed, adrift,
Cast out by societal rift.
Bound by vision to make things right…
Rogue specters in the autumn night.

They mount their saddles, carry on
To promises of blooming dawn.
Sailing on sunbeams, taking flight…
Rogue specters in the autumn night.

Upon dark clouds did hope depart…
Rogue specters in the autumn night.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
October 7, 2022

I’m so happy to see that Blogophilia, my old blogging group, has relaunched!! YAY! This group has always been very effective in making me write poetry consistently each week. I’ve missed it, and I have really slacked lately. Their format has changed a bit, with no scoring anymore. That’s cool, I don’t really mind. Actually, I rather like the freedom of using/not using the prompts.  I’ll keep on trying to use them, as it sometimes makes me go in a direction that I normally wouldn’t…like this week!

Sometimes just being in the moment or a thinking on a prompt inspires a poem. The wind started whipping up a little bit last night and kind of reminded me of Halloween coming. The line from Blake “thousand spirits stray” kept sticking with me. I envisioned some estranged spirits in the netherworld being in a kind of purgatory. I changed this up many times and ended up with a Kyrielle sonnet. I tried experimenting with a pantoum, but just couldn’t make it work.

Autumn is finally in full force, and I love the changes it has brought. The temperatures are cooling down, and we’ve had a fire in the fireplace a few nights this week, which is so comforting. This week there’s been an owl hooting out in our backyard, too! I love this, that sound is so soothing. This is my absolute favorite season of year, and living in Virginia we truly get to embrace the beauty of autumn! Some of the maples are already turning red in town, most of our own trees are young and haven’t started turning just yet. Today is a beautiful day, we are going to go to get some pumpkins for the front porch from Nall’s Farm Market. I will also pick up some squash and mums to add some color.  

I’m doing much better recovering from my gallbladder surgery last week. Many thanks to everyone’s advice and kind thoughts.  I have a post-op appointment next week. Food has been hit or miss, if you know what I mean. I’ve been trying to stick with a low-fat diet. This week, I cooked up some homemade chicken noodle soup and some teriyaki salmon with roast yams & asparagus last night for dinner. Both of these meals made my stomach very happy!  The good news is I’ve gotten my energy levels back…can’t wait to return to my running and workout routine once I’m cleared. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

xoxo Colleen

Inspiration: “By the Roes, and by the Hinds of the Field” Johann Johannsson
Mood: Thoughtful



Twilight calling
scent of jasmine in the air
starlight falling
silver strands upon my hair.

You take my hand
pull me close against your chest
love is dawning
my fretful spirit cannot rest.

See the ambient moon rising
high up in the night
and my heart aches for freedom
to dance in the amber light
to spread my wings and take flight
holding on
until dawn
when we rise with the sun
breathe in the fresh air
floating on the clouds without a care.

And I’m weightless…
weightless in your arms
weightless in your arms
shelter me from harm.

Venus shining
passion puts us in a trance
swaying to and fro
captivated by romance.

Evening is long
filled with the mockingbird’s song
tender lips graze
wash away the tears and wrongs.

See the ambient moon rising
high up in the night
and my heart aches for freedom
to dance in the amber light
to spread my wings and take flight
holding on
until dawn
when we rise with the sun
breathe in the fresh air
floating on the clouds without a care.

And I’m weightless…
weightless in your arms
weightless in your arms
shelter me from harm.

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2022
May 21, 2022

It’s been a very long time since I have written. Lots of things were keeping me in a writer’s block of sorts the past few months …. a new job, busy tax season, the sudden death of Dan’s brother, dealing with grief and other life changes. As a result, I got out of the habit of keeping true to my Friday morning writing schedule. I really miss our Blogophilia group, that kept me on track. I miss our interactions and find myself on social media a lot less these days. I hope to get back to my writing weekly, even if it’s a simple haiku.

Here’s a little song, lighter than what I’ve been feeling lately. Here’s to love….

xoxo Colleen

Inspiration: “Serenade” by Emiliana Torrini
Mood: Wistful



down by the water
I ponder meaning of life
lay my burden down

blue trail of sorrow
heart drops like a sinking stone
clear to the bottom

gravity defied
as I float downstream
in gentle river

washed ashore, breathless,
hands reach out in grateful skies
as a new dawn breaks

Colleen Keller Breuning © 2021
May 14, 2021

“Rushing” by Moby

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 9.14 Topic: By the Water
Hard Bonus (2 points):  Include the meaning of life 
Easy Bonus (1 Point): Use the title of a song by Alison Krauss (“Lay My Burden Down,” “Blue Trail of Sorrow,” “Sinking Stone, “Gravity” and “Gentle River”)

This week’s pic


  1. Down by the Water (in blog)
  2. Gentle River (in blog)
  3. Float Downstream (in blog)
  4. Slow Boat to China
  5. Paddle board
  6. Fisherman
  7. Gone Fishing
  8. Fishing Pole
  9. Fishing Hole
  10. Sail Away

Topic:  Christopher  Pic:  Stormy

Cast Away

"Wild Dolphins at Sunrise" by Kirstenre@DeviantArt © 2011

Cast Away

The rising sun and clouds play hide and seek
On a sailcloth of multi-colored skies.
As I trace the patterns of the dawn,
Inspiration is unfolding before my eyes.

Rambunctious dolphins frolic in the tide,
As breakers roll and kiss the ragged shore.
The cry of seagulls shatters my reverie,
Leaving my wounded spirit wanting more.

I am drawn here by fragrance of the sea,
Reflections in the water calm my fears.
My heart fills up with joy, my soul imbued,
My worries fading in a trail of tears.

The wind picks up and dances through my hair,
Gently ruffling the fronds of palm trees.
The essence of a higher power prevails,
Whispering my name upon the breeze.

The sun ascends, spreading a golden glow,
Its warm fingers upon my barren skin.
I cast away my troubles to blue waters,
Soothing the turmoil stirring deep within.

Colleen M. Breuning © 2011
November 10, 2011